Darla Hood, rising young movie actress who started her film career in Our Gang comedies, and her mother, Mrs. J. C. Hood of Beverly Hills, Calif., are visiting this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd McMahan of Altus.
Now 13 years of age, Darla recently completed work in the picture "Happy Land" starring Don Ameche and Ann Rutherford. She portrayed Miss Rutherford as a child. She is under contract to MGM Studios.
Wednesday afternoon (the 16th), Darla presented a special assembly program for Altus junior high school students, singing a number of popular songs. She included in the program her version of how she sang when she appeared at the Altus high school at the age of four and a half years after she had entered the Our Gang family.
Darla was born at Leedy, Okla., where her father formerly was associated with a bank. Mr. and Mrs. Hood have been making their home in Beverly Hills since Darla entered the film world, and Mr. Hood is now associated with a bank there.
The young actress was permitted to make her trip to Oklahoma while recovering from a recent attack of influenza.