Darla Hood, Leedey Born Stage and Film Actress, to Be Wed January 24

source: The Leedey Star of Leedey, OK (Jan. 19, 1949)

Mr. and Mrs. J. Claud Hood, Hollywood, Calif., announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Darla Jeanne, to Robert Wallace Decker, son of Mrs. W. W. Decker, also of Hollywood. The wedding will be an event of Monday, January 24, at the chapel of ABC station, Hollywood, during the Bride and Groom radio hour.

Miss Hood is with the "Blackouts of 1949" musical show of Ken Murray at Hollywood. Formerly she was sweetheart of the "Our Gang" comedy for many years. She is past worthy advisor of the Order of the Rainbow and an active vocalist of the choir of the First Methodist church, Hollywood.

Mr. Decker served in the U. S. army air corps for three years and is employed with a Hollywood automobile insurance company.

A reception will follow in the Hollywood First Methodist church.

Friends are invited to attend the event by transcription by tuning in on Bride And Groom Radio Hour, ABC station, at 1:30 p. m. Tuesday, January 25.

Miss Hood was born in Leedey in the fall of 1930 and lived here with her parents until she entered the movies at the age of four.

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