Tony Campanaro

name: Antonio Campanaro
nickname: Tony
born November 17, 1888
died March 12, 1965, in Los Angeles, CA

Being an animal trainer, Tony Campanaro was virtually never given onscreen credit, but I can safely include in this filmography those films in which his dog, Pal, appeared. He also trained the final version of Pete the Pup, so the Our Gang films featuring that dog (or dogs) are also included. I've got a pretty good idea about when Campanaro first worked for the Roach studio, but his departure is still pretty murky. According to Maltin & Bann, he was present during the entire Our Gang era at Roach, but this turns out to be not quite true, as you'll see below. His main job during most of his tenure was to train and care for the various animals kept at Hal E. Roach Ranch (formerly known as Arnaz Ranch), located near Robertson Boulevard. Contemporary casting directories reveal that he specialized in monkeys, but he also had experience with dogs, mules, horses, cats and chickens. Because of this, it can be assumed that he was involved in many Roach films which aren't listed below. He also provided animals to other studios on Roach's behalf.


In his book The Keystone Kid, Coy Watson, Jr., reveals that Campanaro had been an organ grinder, working with his trained monkey, Josephine, and had a collection of animals that he kept in Culver City. Both trainer and monkey worked in at least four Campbell Comedies during 1921, three of which featured Watson along with Doreen Turner. Also featured in the first three listed below was Campanaro's dog, Pal. Watson worked in two other Campbell Comedies, but it isn't known if Campanaro and his animals were involved. There was also a Campbell comedy from this year called "The Stork's Mistake," which may have included Pal. A full-page ad in Motion Picture News for the series includes a photo of him, and devotes part of the space to this latest film.

A Nick-Of-Time Hero (animal trainer)
Oct. 30, 1921 - Campbell/Educational - 2 reels - Campbell Comedies series
Josephine and Pal both received onscreen credit in this film.
Stolen Glory (animal trainer)
Nov. 27, 1921 - Campbell/Educational - 2 reels - Campbell Comedies series
Schoolday Love (animal trainer)
Jan. 29, 1922 - Campbell/Educational - 2 reels - Campbell Comedies series


The Roach payroll ledgers reveal that Campanaro worked for the studio during the week ending Oct. 7, 1922. He clearly wasn't a regular fixture at the studio yet, and was presumably freelancing at the time.

Monkey Shines (monkey trainer)
Feb. 26, 1922 - Campbell/Educational - 2 reels - Campbell Comedies series
Josephine was featured in this film.


During the early part of 1923, Campanaro's name turns up in the Roach studio ledgers three more times, for the weeks ending Mar. 17th, Apr. 21st and May 19th. It's possible that this reflects some involvement in the Dippy Doo Dads film "Be Honest," which was initially shot in March, with retakes and added scenes corresponding to the April and May dates. There's also a possibility that the March dates correspond to the Our Gang film "Fast Company" (no. 16), which featured a monkey. Beginning the week ending June 9th, Campanaro's name appears regularly as a member of the Dippy Doo Dads unit. It can be presumed that he trained animals for all of the episodes made from June until the end of the year. His dog, Pal, appeared in at least two of these shorts, one of which featured the monkeys dressed as cops. I don't yet know which episode this was.

The Watch Dog (uncredited dog trainer)
June 10, 1923 - Roach/Pathé - 1 reel - prod. C-88 - The Dippy Doo Dads series
Filmed Feb. 10 to 24, 1923. ©June 6, 1923. Also listed as CA-88. Pal was featured in this short.
Roughest Africa (uncredited monkey trainer)
Sep. 30, 1923 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. L-1 - Stan Laurel series
Filmed May 31 to June 16, with retakes June 28 to July 6, 1923. Originally prod. C-111 (or LC-111). ©Nov. 9, 1923.
The Knockout (uncredited monkey trainer)
Oct. 28, 1923 - Roach/Pathé - 1 reel - prod. D-20 - The Dippy Doo Dads series
This was probably originally prod. C-113, which was filmed June 7 to 29, 1923, with retakes July 24, 1923. ©Sep. 24, 1923. Also listed as AC-113.
Go West (uncredited monkey trainer and dog trainer)
Nov. 25, 1923 - Roach/Pathé - 1 reel - prod. D-23 - The Dippy Doo Dads series
Also listed for 1925. This was probably originally prod. C-116, which was filmed July 5 to 21, 1923. ©Nov. 23, 1923. Pal plays the sheriff.
Lovey-Dovey (uncredited monkey trainer)
Dec. 23, 1923 - Roach/Pathé - 1 reel - prod. D-25 - The Dippy Doo Dads series
This may have originally been prod. C-117, which was filmed July 23 to 28, 1923. ©Dec. 14, 1923.


The Dippy Doo Dads ended production in early January, which coincides with Campanaro's name being put onto a general list of animal trainers in the payroll ledgers. Also included on the list is the watchman at the Roach Ranch, which may indicate that this is the point when Campanaro was put in charge of the ranch. This is also the point when Pal the dog joined the Our Gang series. This dog should not be confused with Pal the Wonder Dog, who was owned and trained by Harry Lucenay and sired the original Pete of Our Gang fame. Pal the Wonder Dog was not himself an Our Gang dog.

The Bar-Fly (uncredited monkey trainer)
Jan. 20, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 1 reel - prod. D-30 - The Dippy Doo Dads series
Premiered Dec. 31, 1923. This was probably originally prod. C-124, which was filmed Sep. 4 to 14, 1923. ©Jan. 9, 1924. Also listed as AC-124.
The Man Pays (uncredited monkey trainer)
Feb. 17, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 1 reel - prod. D-34 - The Dippy Doo Dads series
This was probably originally prod. C-128, which was filmed Sep. 24 to Oct. 9, 1923. ©Jan. 9, 1924. Also listed as AC-128.
Love's Reward (uncredited monkey trainer)
Mar. 9, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 1 reel - prod. D-38 - The Dippy Doo Dads series
Also listed for Mar. 16, 1924. This was probably originally prod. C-132, which was filmed Oct. 13 to 22, 1923. ©Feb. 20, 1924.
Our Little Nell (uncredited monkey trainer)
Apr. 13, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 1 reel - prod. D-41 - The Dippy Doo Dads series
Filmed Oct. 25 to Nov. 3, 1923. ©Apr. 18, 1924. Originally prod. C-135.
North Of 50-50 (uncredited monkey trainer)
May 11, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 1 reel - prod. D-43 - The Dippy Doo Dads series
Filmed Nov. 13 to Dec. 4, 1923, and Jan. 4, 1924. ©May 12, 1924. Originally prod. C-137.
Up And At 'Em (uncredited monkey trainer)
June 8, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 1 reel - prod. D-46 - The Dippy Doo Dads series
Also listed for June 3, 1924. Filmed Dec. 6 to 18, 1923. Also known as Handle 'Em Rough, which is listed separately by Richard Lewis Ward as a Jan. 6, 1924, release. ©May 28, 1924.
28. Cradle Robbers (uncredited dog trainer)
June 1, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-28 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 28 to Feb. 9, 1924. ©May 12, 1924.
29. Jubilo, Jr. (uncredited dog trainer)
June 29, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-29 - Our Gang series
Also listed for July 29, 1924. Filmed Feb. 25 to Mar. 8, 1924. ©June 5, 1924.
27. It's A Bear (uncredited dog trainer)
July 27, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-27 - Our Gang series
Filmed Dec. 10 to 26, 1923, Jan. 2 to 7, Jan. 12, and Mar. 7 to 12, 1924. ©June 30, 1924.
30. High Society (uncredited dog trainer)
Aug. 24, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-30 - Our Gang series
Filmed Mar. 24 to Apr. 5, 1924. ©May 29, 1924.
31. The Sun Down Limited (uncredited dog trainer)
Sep. 21, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-31 - Our Gang series
Filmed Apr. 21 to May 1, 1924. ©Aug. 2, 1924.
32. Every Man For Himself (uncredited dog trainer)
Oct. 19, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-32 - Our Gang series
Filmed June 2 to 12, 1924. ©Oct. 2, 1924.
33. The Mysterious Mystery! (uncredited dog trainer)
Dec. 14, 1924 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-33 - Our Gang series
Filmed June 30 to July 19, 1924, with retakes Sep. 9 and 12, 1924, and added scenes Sep. 13 and 15, 1924. ©Dec. 11, 1924.


35. Circus Fever (uncredited dog trainer)
Feb. 8, 1925 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-35 - Our Gang series
Filmed Oct. 20 to 25, and Nov. 1 to 4, 1924. ©Jan. 19, 1925.
36. Dog Days (uncredited dog trainer)
Mar. 8, 1925 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-36 - Our Gang series
Filmed Oct. 29 to Nov. 5, and Nov. 17 to 24, 1924. ©Mar. 5, 1925.
Seven Chances (uncredited wrangler/dog trainer)
Mar. 11, 1925 - Keaton/MGM - 6 reels - partially Technicolor - Buster Keaton feature
©Apr. 22, 1925.
39. Shootin' Injuns (uncredited dog trainer)
May 3, 1925 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-39 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 19 to Feb. 5, 1925. ©Apr. 2, 1925.
40. Official Officers (uncredited dog trainer/use of name)
June 28, 1925 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-40 - Our Gang series
Premiered June 10, 1925. Filmed Feb. 16 to 27, 1925. ©May 18, 1925. This film includes a fruit vendor character named Tony, whose sign identifies him as Antonio Campanaro. The part is played by Charley Young.
42. Boys Will Be Joys (uncredited dog trainer)
July 26, 1925 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-42 - Our Gang series
Filmed Apr. 13 to 24, 1925. ©July 6, 1925.
41. Mary, Queen of Tots (uncredited dog trainer)
Aug. 23, 1925 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. A-41 - Our Gang series
Filmed Mar. 16 to Apr. 1, 1925. ©June 11, 1925.
44. Your Own Back Yard (uncredited dog trainer)
Sep. 27, 1925 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-2 - Our Gang series
Filmed June 30 to July 16, and July 20 to 29, 1925. ©Aug. 28, 1925.
43. Better Movies (uncredited dog trainer)
Nov. 1, 1925 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-1 - Our Gang series
Filmed May 27 to June 16, 1925. Originally production A-43. ©Aug. 20, 1925.
45. One Wild Ride (uncredited dog trainer)
Dec. 6, 1925 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-3 - Our Gang series
Filmed July 30 to Aug. 4, 1925. ©Nov. 6, 1925.


A July 1926 casting directory lists Campanaro among the animal trainers, and indicates that he specialized in monkeys. However, no monkeys appeared in the Our Gang series during this year, though Pal the dog continued to appear regularly. Oddly enough, Campanaro's name disappears from the studio payroll summaries after the week ending February 6th, even though Pal continued with the series for at least another year. Perhaps another trainer dealt with the dog while Roach lent out Campanaro's monkey training services for the Charles Chaplin feature "The Circus," which began filming in January and initially continued for roughly a year.

46. Good Cheer (uncredited dog trainer)
Jan. 10, 1926 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-4 - Our Gang series
Filmed Sep. 3 to 18, 1925. ©Jan. 23, 1926.
47. Buried Treasure (uncredited dog trainer)
Feb. 14, 1926 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-5 - Our Gang series
Filmed Oct. 1 to 19, 1925. ©Jan. 23, 1926.
48. Monkey Business (uncredited dog trainer)
Mar. 21, 1926 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-6 - Our Gang series
Filmed Oct. 30 to Nov. 18, 1925. ©Feb. 6, 1926.
49. Baby Clothes (uncredited dog trainer)
Apr. 25, 1926 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-7 - Our Gang series
Filmed Dec. 7 to 20, 1925, with retakes Jan. 11, 1926. ©Mar. 15, 1926.
50. Uncle Tom's Uncle (uncredited dog trainer)
May 30, 1926 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-8 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 12 to Feb. 3, 1926. ©Apr. 28, 1926.
51. Thundering Fleas (uncredited dog trainer)
July 4, 1926 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-9 - Our Gang series
Also listed for July 28, 1926. Filmed Mar. 8 to 25, 1926. ©May 26, 1926.
53. The Fourth Alarm! (uncredited dog trainer)
Sep. 12, 1926 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-11 - Our Gang series
Filmed May 24 to June 14, 1926. ©Sep. 17, 1926.
56. Telling Whoppers (uncredited dog trainer)
Dec. 19, 1926 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-14 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Dec. 29, 1926. Filmed Sep. 10 to 18, 1926. ©Nov. 11, 1926.


Production on "The Circus" came to a halt in January of 1927 so that Chaplin could spend the next eight months dealing with a messy divorce. That was followed by one final month of filming, which presumably did not involve Campanaro, who was away in Europe during that period. A December 1927 casting directory shows an ad for Campanaro with a picture of Pal posing with a monkey. The ad includes the phrase 'for any type of dog or well trained monkey.' It also says 'back after 10 months in Europe,' suggesting further that another trainer was handling Pal until his final Our Gang short, "Chicken Feed" (no. 62), which finished filming in April. Starting with the next film, "Olympic Games" (no. 63), Harry Lucenay provided the original Pete, which is something that reportedly caused some friction with Campanaro. But did Campanaro leave because of this? Or did Lucenay arrive because Campanaro left? The March 1928 directory, incidentally, has the same ad with the same phrase.

The Kid Brother (uncredited wrangler)
Jan. 22, 1927 - Lloyd/Paramount - 8 reels - Harold Lloyd feature
©Jan. 18, 1927.
58. Ten Years Old (uncredited dog trainer)
Mar. 13, 1927 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-16 - Our Gang series
Filmed Nov. 24 to Dec. 14, 1926. ©Feb. 14, 1927.
59. Love My Dog (uncredited dog trainer)
Apr. 10, 1927 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-17 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Apr. 17, 1927. Filmed Dec. 21, 1926, to Jan. 4, 1927. ©Apr. 11, 1927.
60. Tired Business Men (uncredited dog trainer)
May 22, 1927 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-18 - Our Gang series
Also listed for May 15, 1927, and May 21, 1927. Filmed Jan. 18 to Feb. 3, 1927. ©Apr. 11, 1927.
61. Baby Brother (uncredited dog trainer)
June 26, 1927 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-19 - Our Gang series
Filmed Feb. 17 to Mar. 14, 1927. ©May 18, 1927.
62. Chicken Feed (uncredited dog trainer)
Nov. 6, 1927 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-20 - Our Gang series
Filmed Mar. 28 to Apr. 15, 1927. ©June 9, 1927.


So we know that Campanaro was back in Hollywood after ten months in Europe, but when did he return to the Roach studio? One fact that might support the idea that Campanaro was back with Roach was that Campanaro served as the monkey trainer for the Buster Keaton feature "The Cameraman," which Maltin & Bann indicate he did on Roach's behalf. The first clear indicator that he was back with Roach was on Aug. 20th, when he worked in "Election Day." Campanaro continued to be listed in casting directories through the end of the year.

The Circus (uncredited monkey trainer)
prem. Jan. 6, 1928 - Chaplin/UA - 7 reels - Charles Chaplin feature
Filmed Jan. 1926 to Jan. 1927, and Sep. to Oct. 1927. ©Jan. 6, 1928.
The Cameraman (uncredited wrangler/monkey trainer)
Sep. 22, 1928 - MGM - 8 reels - Buster Keaton feature
©Sep. 15, 1928. Added to the National Film Registry on Dec. 27, 2005.


A May 1929 casting directory features the same picture ad for Campanaro, but this time his dogs and well-trained monkeys were 'guaranteed to work in Talking Pictures.' There's also a reference to Campanaro's involvement in "The Cameraman" from the previous year. It's interesting to note that the Our Gang short "Lazy Days" briefly features a monkey. Heard on the soundtrack is the voice of the organ grinder with his thick Italian accent, which makes one wonder if perhaps it's Campanaro in a cameo role. (His thick accent is verified in Watson's book.)

81. Election Day (uncredited monkey trainer)
Jan. 12, 1929 - Roach/MGM - silent - 2 reels - prod. G-15 - Our Gang series
Filmed July 19 to Aug. 4, 1928, with retakes Aug. 16, Aug. 20, Aug. 22 to 24, 1928. ©Dec. 10, 1928. Campanaro worked on Aug. 20th.
Hurdy Gurdy (bit role)
May 11, 1929 - Roach/MGM - talkie - 2 reels - prod. S-21 - All Star series
Filmed Apr. 2 to 6, 1929. ©June 5, 1929. Featuring Edgar Kennedy.
Uncle's Visit (uncredited animal trainer)
June 30, 1929 - Van Beuren/Pathé - 2 reels - Smitty series
It sure looks like Pal the dog is part of the cast, and there's a monkey with him, so Campanaro was probably involved.


The last casting directory that I've come across that lists Campanaro as a monkey trainer is from June 1930. Rumor has it that Pete, Lucenay's dog, was murdered during the first half of this year. People at the studio reportedly suspected Campanaro, but hadn't enough proof to confront him about it. Lucenay's son has since insisted that Pete did not die during this period, even though the films clearly show that he was replaced by another Lucenay dog.

All Teed Up (French version: bit role)
Apr. 19, 1930 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. C-28 - Charley Chase series
Filmed Jan. 3 to Feb. 1, 1930. ©Apr. 7, 1930. Also filmed in Spanish as El Jugador de Golf and in French as Le Joueur de Golf. Both versions were in four reels. The Spanish version was released in Mexico on May 8, 1930, and in Barcelona, Spain, on May 19, 1930.


Around April of this year, Harry Lucenay broke his ties with the Roach studio and took the current Pete to Atlantic City to pose for photographs with tourists. It was now up to Campanaro to provide the Our Gang series with a new version of Pete, and it was this dog that debuted in "Hook And Ladder" (no. 116). Studio publicity identifies the Atlantic City dog as Pete the Pup III, and his replacement, Campanaro's dog, as Pete the Pup IV.

116. Hook And Ladder (uncredited dog trainer)
Aug. 27, 1932 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-9 - Our Gang series
Filmed May 18 to 28, 1932. ©Sep. 14, 1932.
118. Birthday Blues (uncredited dog trainer)
Oct. 1932 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-11 - Our Gang series
Listed for both Oct. 1 and Nov. 12, 1932. Filmed July 30 to Aug. 4, 1932. ©Oct. 24, 1932. Earilest verified screening took place on Oct. 14, 1932.
119. A Lad An' A Lamp (uncredited dog trainer)
Dec. 17, 1932 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-12 - Our Gang series
Filmed Sep. 3 to 10, 1932. ©Dec. 12, 1932.


120. Fish Hooky (uncredited dog trainer)
Jan. 28, 1933 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-13 - Our Gang series
Filmed Oct. 17 to 22, 1932. ©Jan. 16, 1933.
121. Forgotten Babies (uncredited dog trainer)
Mar. 11, 1933 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-14 - Our Gang series
Filmed Dec. 3 to 10, 1932. ©Mar. 13, 1933.
122. The Kid From Borneo (uncredited dog trainer)
Apr. 15, 1933 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-15 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 9 to 16, 1933. ©Mar. 13, 1933.
123. Mush and Milk (uncredited dog trainer)
May 27, 1933 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-16 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 27 to Feb. 3, 1933. ©Apr. 17, 1933.
124. Bedtime Worries (uncredited dog trainer)
©Sep. 26, 1933 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-17 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Sep. 9, 1933. Filmed July 20 to 31, and Aug. 12, 1933.
Sons Of The Desert (extra role)
Dec. 29, 1933 - Roach/MGM - 7 reels - 68 min. - prod. F-4 - Laurel & Hardy feature
Filmed Oct. 2 to 23, 1933. ©Dec. 27, 1933. UK title: Fraternally Yours. This film was reissued in the early '50s as a two-reeler entitled "Fun On The Run." Campanaro is seen during the steamship announcement.


126. Hi'-Neighbor! (uncredited dog trainer)
Mar. 3, 1934 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-19 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 20 to 30, 1934. ©Feb. 24, 1934.
127. For Pete's Sake! (uncredited dog trainer)
Apr. 14, 1934 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-20 - Our Gang series
Filmed Feb. 23 to Mar. 3, 1934. ©Apr. 4, 1934.
128. The First Round-Up (uncredited dog trainer)
May 5, 1934 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-21 - Our Gang series
Filmed Mar. 19 to 24, 1934. ©May 1, 1934.
130. Mike Fright (uncredited dog trainer)
Aug. 25, 1934 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-23 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Feb. 25, 1934. Filmed May 29 to June 7, 1934. ©July 25, 1934.
131. Washee Ironee (uncredited dog trainer)
©Nov. 13, 1934 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-24 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Sep. 29, 1934. Filmed Oct. 1 to 9, 1934.


134. Anniversary Trouble (uncredited dog trainer)
©Mar. 13, 1935 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-27 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Jan. 1, 1935, and Jan. 19, 1935. Filmed Jan. 25 to Feb. 1, 1935.
135. Beginner's Luck (uncredited dog trainer)
©Apr. 8, 1935 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-28 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Feb. 23, 1935. Filmed Feb. 20 to 28, 1935.
136. Teacher's Beau (uncredited dog trainer)
Apr. 27, 1935 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-29 - Our Gang series
Filmed Mar. 13 to 20, 1935. ©May 1, 1935.
137. Sprucin' Up (uncredited dog trainer)
June 1, 1935 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-30 - Our Gang series
Filmed Apr. 2 to 9, and May 7, 1935. ©June 12, 1935.


Pete's appearances in the Our Gang series became more sporadic during this year, but starting with the debut of the one-reelers during the summer, his photo was shown at the start of each episode along with those of the regular kids.

143. The Pinch Singer (uncredited dog trainer)
Jan. 4, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-35 - Our Gang series
Filmed Dec. 11 to 21, 1935. ©Feb. 6, 1936. Working title: King's Gong.
142. Divot Diggers (uncredited dog trainer)
Feb. 8, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-36 - Our Gang series
Filmed Nov. 18 to 25, 1935. ©Feb. 6, 1936.
The Bohemian Girl (extra role: Gypsy vagabond)
Feb. 14, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 7 reels - prod. F-8 - Laurel & Hardy feature
Filmed Oct. 9 to around Nov. 30, 1935, with retakes Dec. 31, 1935, to Jan. 6, 1936. ©Feb. 12, 1936.
138. The Lucky Corner (uncredited dog trainer)
Mar. 14, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-31 - Our Gang series
Filmed May 13 to 20, 1935. ©Feb. 19, 1936.
Neighborhood House (small role)
May 9, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. C-39 - Charley Chase series
Previewed in April at 58 minutes, and then cut to 55 minutes before finally being released as a short. Filmed around Mar 9 to 25, 1936. ©July 8, 1936.
146. Bored Of Education (uncredited dog trainer)
Aug. 29, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-1 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Aug. 20, 1936. ©Sep. 3, 1936. Filmed July 13 to 16, 1936. Oscar winner for Best One-Reel Short Subject.
Our Relations (extra role: patron in Denker's Beer Garden)
Oct. 30, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 6 reels - prod. F-11 - Laurel & Hardy feature
Filmed around Mar. 12 to May 4, 1936. ©Sep. 29, 1936. Re-released in Jan. 1948. US cut version titled Sailors' Downfall.
149. Spooky Hooky (uncredited animal trainer)
©Dec. 28, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-4 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Dec. 5, 1936. Filmed Nov. 11 to 17, 1936. Campanaro presumably trained Jiggs the dog for this film, and perhaps the others.


Even though Pete doesn't appear in "Glove Taps" (no. 152), there is some indication that he was involved. He was due to work on Jan 13th, but filming was postponed. There was also an unspecified dog used on the 25th and 26th, but even this one, Pete or otherwise, does not appear in the film.

151. Reunion in Rhythm (uncredited dog trainer)
Jan. 9, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-5 - Our Gang series
Filmed Dec. 9 to 14, 1936. ©Jan. 14, 1937.
154. Three Smart Boys (uncredited animal trainer)
May 13, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-8 - Our Gang series
Also listed as Mar. 13, 1937. Filmed Feb. 15 to 19, 1937. ©Mar. 31, 1937. Campanaro presumably trained Jiggs the dog for this film, and probably the monkey as well, who resembles George (aka "Elmer") from "Bear Facts" (no. 164)
156. Roamin' Holiday (uncredited dog trainer)
June 12, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-10 - Our Gang series
Filmed Apr. 22 to May 3, 1937. ©June 24, 1937. In addition to Pete, Campanaro presumably also trained Jiggs the dog, and perhaps Laughing Gravy.
160. The Pigskin Palooka (uncredited dog trainer)
Oct. 23, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-14 - Our Gang series
Filmed Sep. 18 to 25, 1937. ©Nov. 2, 1937.


In June of this year, the Our Gang series moved to MGM, and it appears that Campanaro went along with them, at least temporarily. Pete's appearances in the series were getting to be few and far between. His only Roach appearance during 1938 was in "The Awful Tooth" (no. 168). However, he returned in the second Metro-produced episode, "Party Fever" (no. 171), which proved to be his last appearance in the series. He was still around during the shooting of "Aladdin's Lantern" (no. 172), however, as revealed by a photo which shows him posing with the kids, who are in costume for the film. It appears that the monkey who played 'Elmer' in "Bear Facts" (no. 164) is the same one seen in "The Awful Tooth" (no. 168). The monkey in "Aladdin's Lantern" is also named 'Elmer,' so all of this suggests that Campanaro remained with the series at least until July. (And incidentally, the real name of the "Bear Facts" monkey was George.)

164. Bear Facts (uncredited animal trainer)
Mar. 5, 1938 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-17 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 26 to Feb. 4, 1938. ©Mar. 8, 1938. Production sheets reveal that Campanaro trained both George the monkey and Jiggs the dog for this film.
168. The Awful Tooth (uncredited dog trainer)
May 28, 1938 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-21 - Our Gang series
Filmed Apr. 12 to 16, 1938. ©May 26, 1938.
169. Hide And Shriek (uncredited dog trainer)
June 18, 1938 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-22 - Our Gang series
Filmed May 11 to 14, 1938. ©June 16, 1938. Campanaro presumably trained Jiggs the dog for this film.
171. Party Fever (uncredited dog trainer)
Aug. 27, 1938 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2568 - Our Gang series
Filmed July 5 to 9, 1938. ©Aug. 25, 1938.
172. Aladdin's Lantern (uncredited monkey trainer)
Sep. 17, 1938 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2573 - Our Gang series
Filmed July 20 to 26, 1938. ©Sep. 14, 1938. Campanaro presumably trained the monkey, named onscreen as "Elmer," the same name used in "Bear Facts" (no. 164).


It appears that Campanaro was back with Roach by the end of this year. He's unofficially credited with training the goat seen in the Laurel & Hardy feature "Saps At Sea," which began filming at Roach in November.


Saps At Sea (uncredited goat trainer)
May 3, 1940 - Roach/UA - 5 reels - prod. F-29 - Laurel & Hardy feature
Filmed Nov. to early Dec. 1939. ©Apr. 26, 1940. This film was reissued in the early '50s as two separate short subjects, "Where To Now" and "Horn Hero."


By this time, Campanaro's filmography dries up, with only one non-Roach film to mention.

Perils Of Nyoka (uncredited monkey trainer)
June 27, 1942 - Republic - 2 reels - 15 chapter serial
©June 27, 1942. Reissued as Nyoka And The Tigermen. Chapters:
1. Desert Intrigue
2. Death's Chariot
3. Devil's Crucible
4. Ascending Doom
5. Fatal Second
6. Human Sacrifice
7. Monster's Clutch
8. Tuareg Vengeance
9. Burned Alive
10. Treacherous Trail
11. Unknown Peril
12. Underground Tornado
13. Thundering Death
14. Blazing Barrier
15. Satan's Fury


Rascal Dazzle (archival)
1978 - King World/Picture Scores - 93 min. - documentary feature
©1978. Seems to have debuted on TV, followed by a theatrical release in late 1979. Includes footage from "Hi'-Neighbor!" "For Pete's Sake!" "Washee Ironee," "Anniversary Trouble," "Sprucin' Up," "The Pinch Singer," "Divot Diggers," "Bored Of Education," "Reunion In Rhythm," "Roamin' Holiday" and "The Pigskin Palooka."


Hollywood's Children (archival)
Feb. 24, 1982 - Wombat/Janson - 60 min. - TV documentary
Includes footage from "Jubilo, Jr."


Our Gang: Inside The Clubhouse (archival)
May 8, 1984 - Lang/Camellia City Telecasters - 93 mins. - TV documentary
Includes footage from "Hook And Ladder," "Forgotten Babies," "For Pete's Sake!" and "Sprucin' Up"


Hal Roach: Hollywood's King Of Laughter (archival)
Apr. 7, 1994 - RHI/Disney Channel - 49 min. - TV documentary
Includes footage from "The Knockout."


Hal Roach: The Lot Of Fun (archival)
June 27, 1998 - Film Preservation Associates/Kino Lorber - 133 min. - video documentary
Released on "Slapstick Encylopedia Vol. 6."


Added Attractions: The Hollywood Shorts Story (appearance)
Feb. 5, 2002 - Jones/TCM - 89 min. - TV documentary
Includes footage from "Hi'-Neighbor!"


Hollywoods Spaßfabrik - Als die Bilder Lachen lernten (archival)
May 29, 2014 - Exit Film-und Fernsehproduktion-ZDF/ARTE - 90 min. - TV documentary
Also released in English as Hal Roach - The Lot Of Fun: Where The Movies Learned To Laugh. Includes footage from "Sprucin' Up."

See anything that needs changing? Contact me at

© Robert Demoss.

My thanks to the following people for assisting with this page:
Rob Stone (for providing production numbers and shooting dates)
Matthew Lydick (for details about the "King Of Laughter" and "Added Attractions" documentaries and the 2014 German release)

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