Eugene "Porky" Lee

This filmography was made in collaboration with Matthew Lydick.

original name: Eugene Lee
early childhood nickname: Gene
childhood professional nickname: Porky
full adult name: Gordon Eugene Lee
born Oct. 25, 1933, in Fort Worth, TX
died Oct. 16, 2005, in Minneapolis, MN, of lung cancer and brain cancer

Special note: Porky's name was originally Eugene Lee (I've yet to find any reference to a middle name in his pre-Our Gang days). The payroll ledgers initially listed his first name as Gene, which is presumably what his adoptive parents called him. Around 1938, they began to call him Gordon, due to his (and their) fondness for Our Gang director Gordon Douglas. It isn't clear when this became his legal name, but a birth certificate calling him Gordon Eugene Lee was filed on June 25, 1954, perhaps indicating that the legal name-change happened on this date. He's often listed as Eugene Gordon Lee, but the birth certificate shows this to be incorrect.



140. Little Sinner (featured role: Porky)
Oct. 26, 1935 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-33 - Our Gang series
Filmed July 8 to 16, 1935. ©Sep. 4, 1935.
141. Our Gang Follies Of 1936 (supporting role: Porky)
prem. Nov. 27, 1935 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-34 - Our Gang series
Filmed Sep. 9 to 14, and Sep. 23 to 28, 1935. ©Oct. 29, 1935. Released Nov. 30, 1935.
Hearst Metrotone News (appearance)
Dec. 1935 - Hearst - 1 reel - newsreel
Featuring the Our Gang kids.


143. The Pinch Singer (small part)
Jan. 4, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-35 - Our Gang series
Filmed Dec. 11 to 21, 1935. ©Feb. 6, 1936. Working title: King's Gong.
142. Divot Diggers (supporting role)
Feb. 8, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-36 - Our Gang series
Filmed Nov. 18 to 25, 1935. ©Feb. 6, 1936.
144. Second Childhood (small part: Porky)
Apr. 11, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-37 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 1936. ©Mar. 17, 1936.
Fox Movietone News (appearance)
1936 - Fox - 1 reel - newsreel
Our Gang's fifteenth anniversary is featured in a Hollywood Spotlight segment with Jimmie Fidler.
146. Bored Of Education (small part)
Aug. 29, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-1 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Aug. 20, 1936. Filmed July 13 to 16, 1936. ©Sep. 3, 1936. Oscar winner for Best One-Reel Short Subject.
147. Two Too Young (supporting role: Porky)
©Oct. 21, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-2 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Sep. 26, 1936. Filmed Sep. 8 to 12, 1936.
148. Pay As You Exit (supporting role: Porky)
©Nov. 17, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-3 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Oct. 24, 1936. Filmed Oct. 14 to 19, 1936.
150. General Spanky (extra)
Dec. 11, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 8 reels - prod. F-12 - 'Spanky' McFarland feature
Filmed July 22 to Sep. 8, 1936, with retakes on Sep. 17 and Oct. 19 and 20, 1936. ©Dec. 4, 1936. Oscar nominee for Best Sound Recording.
149. Spooky Hooky (featured role: Porky)
©Dec. 28, 1936 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-4 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Dec. 5, 1936. Filmed Nov. 11 to 17, 1936.


151. Reunion In Rhythm (supporting role: Porky)
Jan. 9, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-5 - Our Gang series
Filmed Dec. 9 to 14, 1936. ©Jan. 14, 1937.
152. Glove Taps (supporting role: Porky)
©Mar. 9, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-6 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Feb. 20, 1937. Filmed Jan. 11 to 30, 1937.
153. Hearts Are Thumps (bit part)
Apr. 3, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-7 - Our Gang series
Filmed Feb. 2 to 10, 1937. ©Mar. 24, 1937.
155. Rushin' Ballet (supporting role: Porky)
Apr. 24, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-9 - Our Gang series
Filmed Mar. 9 to 13, 1937. ©Apr. 22, 1937.
154. Three Smart Boys (supporting role: Porky)
May 13, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-8 - Our Gang series
Also listed as Mar. 13, 1937. Filmed Feb. 15 to 19, 1937. ©Mar. 31, 1937.
156. Roamin' Holiday (featured role: Porky)
June 12, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-10 - Our Gang series
Filmed Apr. 22 to May 3, 1937. ©June 24, 1937.
157. Night 'N' Gales (featured role: Porky)
July 24, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-11 - Our Gang series
Filmed June 22 to 30, 1937. ©Aug. 18, 1937. Porky takes part in singing "Home, Sweet Home."
158. Fishy Tales (supporting role: Porky)
Aug. 28, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-12 - Our Gang series
Filmed July 26 to Aug. 2, 1937. ©Sep. 8, 1937.
159. Framing Youth (supporting role: Porky)
©Sep. 21, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-13 - Our Gang series
Also listed for Sep. 11, 1937. Filmed Aug. 19 to 25, 1937.
News Of The Day (appearance)
c. Oct. 1937 - MGM - 1 reel - newsreel
Vol. 9, No. 204. Featuring Our Gang and Vittorio Mussolini, who visited the studio in late September.
160. The Pigskin Palooka (small part: Porky)
Oct. 23, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-14 - Our Gang series
Filmed Sep. 18 to 25, 1937. ©Nov. 2, 1937.
161. Mail And Female (supporting role: Porky)
Nov. 13, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-15 - Our Gang series
Filmed Oct. 22 to 27, 1937. ©Nov. 17, 1937.
News Of The Day (appearance)
Dec. 1937 - MGM - 1 reel - newsreel
Vol. 9, No. 229. Featuring Our Gang. Porky takes part in singing "Happy New Year To You."
162. Our Gang Follies Of 1938 (featured role: Porky)
Dec. 18, 1937 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-39 - Our Gang series
Filmed Nov. 3 to 15, 1937. ©Dec. 21, 1937. Marketed by MGM as a "special" two-reeler, independent of the regular Our Gang series. Porky takes part in singing "The Love Bug Will Bite You (If You Don't Watch Out)."


163. Canned Fishing (small part: Porky)
Feb. 12, 1938 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-16 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 10 to 25, 1938. ©Feb. 16, 1938.
164. Bear Facts (supporting role: Porky)
Mar. 5, 1938 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-17 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 26 to Feb. 4, 1938. ©Mar. 8, 1938.
165. Three Men In A Tub (supporting role: Porky)
Mar. 26, 1938 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-18 - Our Gang series
Filmed Feb. 9 to 18, 1938. ©Apr. 1, 1938.
166. Came The Brawn (supporting role: Porky)
Apr. 16, 1938 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-19 - Our Gang series
Filmed Feb. 21 to 25, 1938. ©Apr. 12, 1938.
167. Feed 'Em And Weep (supporting role: Porky)
May 7, 1938 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-20 - Our Gang series
Filmed Apr. 4 to 7, 1938. ©May 11, 1938.
168. The Awful Tooth (supporting role)
May 28, 1938 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-21 - Our Gang series
Filmed Apr. 12 to 16, 1938. ©May 26, 1938.
169. Hide And Shriek (featured role: Porky aka X6)
June 18, 1938 - Roach/MGM - 1 reel - prod. K-22 - Our Gang series
Filmed May 11 to 14, 1938. ©June 16, 1938.
170. The Little Ranger (supporting role: Porky)
Aug. 6, 1938 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2566 - Our Gang series
Filmed June 20 to 25, 1938. ©Aug. 10, 1938.
171. Party Fever (supporting role)
Aug. 27, 1938 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2568 - Our Gang series
Filmed July 5 to 9, 1938. ©Aug. 25, 1938.
172. Aladdin's Lantern (supporting role)
Sep. 17, 1938 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2573 - Our Gang series
Filmed July 20 to 26, 1938. ©Sep. 14, 1938. Along with Buckwheat, Porky sings "While Strolling In The Park One Day (The Fountain In The Park)."
173. Men In Fright (supporting role: Porky)
Oct. 15, 1938 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2580 - Our Gang series
Filmed Aug. 15 to 20, 1938. ©Oct. 21, 1938.
174. Football Romeo (supporting role)
Nov. 12, 1938 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2589 - Our Gang series
Filmed Sep. 19 to 24, 1938. ©Nov. 16, 1938.
175. Practical Jokers (supporting role: Porky)
Dec. 17, 1938 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2595 - Our Gang series
Filmed Oct. 24 to 27, 1938. ©Dec. 20, 1938.


176. Alfalfa's Aunt (supporting role: Porky)
Jan. 7, 1939 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2600 - Our Gang series
Filmed Nov. 14 to 17, 1938. ©Dec. 31, 1938.
177. Tiny Troubles (supporting role: Porky)
Feb. 18, 1939 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2606 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 9 to 13, 1939. ©Mar. 1, 1939.
178. Duel Personalities (supporting role)
Mar. 11, 1939 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2610 - Our Gang series
Filmed Jan. 22 to 26, 1939. ©Mar. 9, 1939.
179. Clown Princes (supporting role: Porky)
Apr. 15, 1939 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2613 - Our Gang series
Filmed Feb. 13 to 17, 1939. ©Apr. 12, 1939.
180. Cousin Wilbur (supporting role: Porky)
Apr. 29, 1939 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2618 - Our Gang series
Filmed Mar. 13 to 17, 1939. ©May 4, 1939.
181. Joy Scouts (supporting role)
June 24, 1939 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2630 - Our Gang series
Filmed Apr. 17 to 21, 1939. ©June 24, 1939.
182. Dog Daze (supporting role: Porky)
July 1, 1939 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2631 - Our Gang series
Filmed May 1 to 5, 1939. ©July 13, 1939.
183. Auto Antics (supporting role: Porky)
July 22, 1939 - MGM - 1 reel - prod. 2632 - Our Gang series
Filmed May 15 to 19, 1939. ©July 26, 1939.










Little Rascals Varieties (archival)
May 5, 1959 - Allied Artists - 63 min. - compilation feature













Rascal Dazzle (archival)
1978 - King World/Picture Scores - 93 min. - documentary feature
©1978. Seems to have debuted on TV, followed by a theatrical release in late 1979. Includes footage from "Little Sinner," "Second Childhood," "Bored Of Education," "Two Too Young," "Pay As You Exit," "Spooky Hooky," "Reunion In Rhythm," "Hearts Are Thumps," "Rushin' Ballet," "Roamin' Holiday," "Framing Youth," "The Pigskin Palooka," "Mail And Female," "Our Gang Follies Of 1938," "Bear Facts" and "Three Men In A Tub."




Hollywood's Children (archival)
Feb. 24, 1982 - Wombat/Janson - 60 min. - TV documentary
Includes footage from "Divot Diggers."


Our Gang: Inside The Clubhouse (interview appearance/archival)
May 8, 1984 - Lang/Camellia City Telecasters - 93 mins. - TV documentary
Includes footage from "Bored Of Education," "Two Too Young," "Pay As You Exit," "Spooky Hooky," "Glove Taps," "Rushin' Ballet," "Night 'N' Gales," "Framing Youth," "The Pigskin Palooka," "Mail And Female," "Three Men In A Tub" and "The Little Ranger."



Classic Comedy Teams (archival)
1986 - Bergamn-Harris/Movietime/GoodTimes - 108 min. - video
Includes footage from "Our Gang Follies Of 1938."


Hollywood Scandals And Tragedies (use of photo)
1988 - Gorgon - 87 min. - video documentary
Includes footage from "Our Gang Follies Of 1938."






Hal Roach: Hollywood's King Of Laughter (appearance/archival)
Apr. 7, 1994 - RHI/Disney Channel - 49 min. - TV documentary
Includes footage from "Our Gang Follies Of 1938."
The Our Gang Story (archival)
1994 - Film Shows/GoodTimes - 120 min. - video documentary
Includes footage from "Our Gang Follies Of 1936," "The Pinch Singer," "Fox Movietone News," "Reunion In Rhythm," both "News Of The Day" clips and "Our Gang Follies Of 1938."



Laugh? I Thought I'd Die! (archival)
1999 - Reader's Digest - 112 min. - video compilation
Includes footage from "Pay As You Exit" and "Hearts Are Thumps."



Added Attractions: The Hollywood Shorts Story (archival)
Feb. 5, 2002 - Jones/TCM - 89 min. - TV documentary
Includes footage from "Our Gang Follies Of 1938," "Alfalfa's Aunt" and "Clown Princes."
E! True Hollywood Story episode: Curse Of The Little Rascals (archival)
Nov. 24, 2002 - E! Entertainment Television - 60 min. - TV documentary



Hollywoods Spaßfabrik - Als die Bilder Lachen lernten (archival)
May 29, 2014 - Exit Film-und Fernsehproduktion-ZDF/ARTE - 90 min. - TV documentary
Also released in English as Hal Roach - The Lot Of Fun: Where The Movies Learned To Laugh. Includes footage from "Our Gang Follies Of 1938."

Porky Lee's payroll history

The following is a list of some of Porky's history at the Roach studio, with the amounts he was making from week to week. The dates given are Saturdays, the last day of each week at the studio. The only exceptions would be Saturdays that were also holidays, in which case the Friday date is used for those weeks.

After this, it would be about two months before Porky returned to the studio.

The last time I researched the payroll ledgers, I was going through the 1936 ledger, which starts at the end of the year and works its way back. Unfortunately, time was up on my last day before I got to the beginning weeks of the year, so for the time being, they are missing from this list. It was during this time that Second Childhood was filmed.

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© Robert Demoss and Matthew Lydick.

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