full name: Harry Sherman Bonner
professional name: Harry Spear
professional nickname (in vaudeville): Freckles
born Dec. 16, 1921, in Los Angeles, CA
died Sep. 22, 2006, in San Diego, CA, of kidney cancer
Special note: Harry acquired the last name "Spear" through his legal guardian, Bertha Spear, who was also his grandmother.
Also of note: There was an actor named Harry Spear who did some bit roles in the 1960's, but this wasn't Harry Spear of Our Gang. There was also a comic actor named Harry Spear who
often served as a Master of Ceremonies at about the same time that Harry of Our Gang was touring vaudeville.
- During this year, Harry became a regular in the Juvenile Comedies made by Jack White, which by this time centered around the character of Big Boy. It's worth noting, though that The
Detroit Free Press of Aug. 19, 1928, stated that Harry had started in movies four years earlier, which suggests that he was already in the business a year prior to joining the Juvenile Comedies.
This could, however, be misinformation.
- Baby Be Good (supporting role: Ginger)
- Oct. 18, 1925 - White/Educational - 2 reels - Juvenile Comedies with Big Boy
- ©Dec. 17, 1925.
- Bachelors' Babies (supporting role: Ginger)
- Dec. 6, 1925 - White/Educational - 2 reels - Juvenile Comedies with Big Boy
- ©Jan. 11, 1926.
- Somewhere along the line, Harry appeared in one of Educational's Tuxedo comedies with Johnny Arthur. The available photo makes it clear that he's younger than in his Our Gang days, and
that the film is set at Christmas time.
- According to Maltin & Bann, Harry worked in a few Buck Jones westerns, but only one is listed in IMDb. The Hinton Daily News of March 16, 1932, reporting on Harry's vaudeville
tour at the time, also states that he worked with Buck Jones in "one of his pictures."
- On November 30th of this year, the Mayfield Messenger (KY) published a review of "Bear Cats," and mentioned that Harry was "regarded by many as a real screen
- Sea Scamps (supporting role: Ginger)
- Feb. 14, 1926 - White/Educational - 2 reels - Juvenile Comedies with Big Boy
- ©Mar. 2, 1926.
- Raisin' Cain (supporting role: Ginger)
- Apr. 4, 1926 - White/Educational - 2 reels - Juvenile Comedies with Big Boy
- ©Apr. 4, 1926.
- Bear Cats (supporting role: Ginger)
- May 23, 1926 - White/Educational - 2 reels - Juvenile Comedies with Big Boy
- ©May 17, 1926.
- Excess Baggage (supporting role: Ginger)
- July 18, 1926 - White/Educational - 2 reels - Juvenile Comedies with Big Boy
- ©Aug. 12, 1926.
- The Flying Horseman (small part: Happy Joe's son)
- Sep. 5, 1926 - Fox - 5 reels - Buck Jones feature
- ©Aug. 29, 1926.
- Open Spaces (supporting role)
- Nov. 7, 1926 - White/Educational - 2 reels - Juvenile Comedies with Big Boy
- ©Nov. 8, 1926.
- Harry's initial contract with Hal Roach Studios took effect on April 18th of this year at a rate of $35 a week.
- On June 30th, The Bulletin of San Francisco reported the following: "An announcement that will be greeted by thousands upon thousands of San Franciscans with joy is the fact that
the world's most celebrated kiddies from 'Our Gang' comedies that have proved such a tremendous hit of the screen, are to make their initial appearance in person on the stage at the
Orpheum Theater for the week beginning this Saturday matinee in a speedily written sketch called Acting Out. To Harry Weber, the well-known vaudeville producer, the laurels for bringing
these most beloved of all kiddies to the speaking stage. Included in the 'Gang' are Joe Cobb, the jolly fat boy; Farina, the screamingly funny colored boy; Jean Darling, the
beautiful youngster; Jackie Condon, Ray(sic) R. Smith, Mango, Farina's little sister, and Harry Spear. There is no question of a doubt that the Orpheum Theater will be one of the
most popular places in San Francisco this coming week."
- On July 1st, The San Francisco Examiner reported the following: "A reception is to be tendered 'Our Gang' Kiddies when they arrive in town this morning on the Lark from
Los Angeles to fulfill an engagement of one week only at the Orpheum beginning tomorrow afternoon. Each section of San Francisco will be represented by six or seven of 'kiddie groups' from
South of Market gang, North Beach, Chinatown, the Potrero, Ocean View, Sunset, Richmond and Fillmore. They will greet Joe Cobb, Farina, Jean Darling, Jackie Condon, Jay Smith, Mango and Harry Spear
when they step off the train from Los Angeles. City officials and theatrical representatives will be on hand to greet them. 'Our Gang' Kiddies have arranged to hold a reception on the stage
of the Orpheum after each matinee for all the youngsters attending the performances."
- On July 2nd, The San Francisco Examiner published an article about the Gang's visit to the city, which can be accessed by clicking
- On July 4th, The Bulletin of San Francisco published an article about the Gang's visit to the city, an excerpt of which can be accessed by clicking
- On July 5th, The San Francisco Examiner published an article abuot the Gang's visit to the city, which can be accessed by clicking
- On July 9th, the Gang began a week's engagement at the Orpheum Theatre in Oakland, CA. As they did across the bay in San Francisco, the Gang held a reception on the stage for all of the kids
attending the matinee.
- Also on July 9th, the Oakland Post-Enquirer (CA) devoted an entire page to articles about the Gang's visit to their city, which can be accessed by clicking
- On July 10th, the Oakland Tribune reported that the Our Gang kids would soon make a personal appearance in that city to perform for some orphans.
- On July 12th, The San Francisco Examiner reported the following: "'Our Gang,' Hal Roach's beloved rascals, and the best known group of kiddies on the stage, will
appear at the Golden Gate in person next week. Farina, Joe Cobb, Harry Spear, Jackie Condon, Jean Darling, Jay R. Smith and Mango, the whole gang, whose funny antics in the 'Our Gang'
comedies have made you laugh, will be on hand. For five weeks the kiddies have a vacation from the movie lot and Hal Roach and their director, Robert McGowan, decided it would be a great idea to let
the gang take a whirl at vaudeville. For the past two weeks their engagements have broken records and the Golden Gate is the third week of the five that they are permitted to play. The third part of
the gang's act and the part that proves so popular to children is a reception on the stage following every matinee except Sunday when the children in the audience are permitted to come upon the
stage and meet the gang."
- On July 22nd, the Los Angeles Illustrated Daily News reported the following: "'Our Gang,' with Farina, Joe cobb and other funmakers in Hal Roach comedies, will top the
new bill which comes to the Orpheum Sunday (the 24th). 'Our Gang' will appear in person for the first time in Los Angeles in a specially written offering entitled 'Acting
Out.'...'Our Gang' will not only offer their act, but will hold a reception after each matinee for the children in the audience."
- On July 24th, the Gang began a one-week engagement at the Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles. As The Los Angeles Record of the 21st reported: "Every youngster in Los Angeles has
seen the 'Our Gang Comedy Kiddies' on the screen and has probably wished many times that he could meet them. Now this wish is to be granted, for next week when the famous Hal Roach
aggregation of youthful funmakers makes its bow in person at the Orpheum, it will hold a reception every afternoon immediately following the last act in the foyer of the Orpheum. Every child
attending will have a chance to shake hands with Farina, Joe Cobb and the other 'kids' of the 'Gang.'"
- On August 9th, Harry's contract was renewed. The document has the word "June" crossed out and replaced with a handwritten "August." The contract period indicated was from
June 20, 1927, to June 19, 1932. Harry's salary was increased to $50 a week, though the contract didn't last for the full five years.
- On September 20th, Harry's salary was increased to $60 a week.
- On December 20th, Harry's salary was increased to $75 a week.
- Around this time, the Our Gang kids, as well as Laurel & Hardy, were sent to the TeeVee studio to do an experimental broadcast.
- Grandpa's Boy (supporting role)
- Mar. 6, 1927 - White/Educational - 2 reels - Juvenile Comedies with Big Boy
- ©Feb. 28, 1927.
- Who's Afraid? (small part: boy with boy and arrow)
- May 29, 1927 - Lane/Educational - 2 reels - Lupino Lane series
- ©June 16, 1927.
- 64. The Glorious Fourth (supporting role)
- July 31, 1927 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-22 - Our Gang series
- Also listed for June 26, 1927, and July 30, 1927. Filmed May 10 to 21, 1927. ©July 22, 1927.
- Smith's Candy Shop (small part: hungry boy)
- Aug. 21, 1927 - Sennett/Pathé - 2 reels - The Smith Family series
- Production began Dec. 6, 1926. ©May 18, 1927.
- 63. Olympic Games (supporting role)
- Sep. 11, 1927 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-21 - Our Gang series
- Also listed for Sep. 10, 1927. Filmed Apr. 22 to May 6, 1927. ©July 8, 1927.
- 67. Yale Vs. Harvard (supporting role)
- Sep. 24, 1927 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-1 - Our Gang series
- Filmed June 13 to 24, 1927. ©Aug. 17, 1927.
- 68. The Old Wallop (supporting role)
- Oct. 22, 1927 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-2 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Aug. 8 to 20, 1927. ©Oct. 22, 1927.
- 62. Chicken Feed (bit part)
- Nov. 6, 1927 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-20 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Mar. 28 to Apr. 15, 1927. ©June 9, 1927.
- 69. Heebee Jeebees (featured role)
- Nov. 19, 1927 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-3 - Our Gang series
- Also listed for Nov. 29, 1927. Filmed Aug. 29 to Sep. 13, and Sep. 30, 1927. ©Nov. 1, 1927.
- On March 24th, more than 60 of Hollywood's screen children attended the "Screen Kiddies Premiere" of Charlie Chaplin's "The Circus" at Grauman's Chinese
Theater. Among those invited were the nine kids and one dog from the 'Our Gang' series.
- On April 24th, The Los Angeles Record reported the following: "A children's skating party, given by Jackie Condon and Hal Roach's famous 'Gang,' was an
outstanding event of a recent morning session at the Ambassador auditorium skating pavilion, and was attended by many of the film colony's noted children, including Jackie Condon, Phil Cooper,
Harry Spear, Baby Peggy Montgomery and others. Races were the order of the day, and part of the session was given over to races between the girls, which was quite thrilling, according to Chester Park
Crawford, general manager. More than 500 children attended this affair. This 'children's party' will be a feature of the morning session every Saturday."
- On June 20th, Harry's salary was increased to $100 a week.
- On August 14th, the Our Gang kids departed Los Angeles on the California Limited for a personal appearance tour, which was scheduled to take them to Chicago, Detroit, New York, Newark, Boston,
St. Louis and other cities, all on the Balaban & Katz Loop. This turned out to be not quite true, though, as they never made it to Newark or Boston. On their way east, they briefly stopped at
various locations to greet their fans. One of these was a 3 p.m. stop on this day at San Bernardino.
- Also on August 14th, the Gang's train passed through Needles, CA, at 10:15 p.m. As The Needles Nugget of August 17th put it: "These famous young folks have many ardent
friends and admirers in our town and some of them tried to catch a glimpse of the celebrities while the train stopped, but the 'Gang' had already retired."
- On August 15th, the Gang's train stopped in Albuquerque, NM. The Albuquerque Journal of the following day reported the following: "A crowd of several hundred people, adults
and children, was on hand at the Santa Fe station to greet the little actors. While here the young stars renewed their acquaintance with Ershel Redd, an Albuquerque boy who took part with them in
two comedies at the studio at Culver City, Calif., last spring. Young Redd lives at 206 South Broadway. Ray Coffin, director of publicity of the Hal Roach studios, who was in charge of the children,
found himself in the role of peacemaker a short distance west of Albuquerque when Harry Spears(sic), 6 years old, and Farina, 7-year-old colored boy, got into a fight. 'Yeh,
Farina got a black eye, but it didn't show up,' said Joe 'Fatty' Cobb, 11, in telling of the trouble. Mayor Clyde Tingley introduced 'Our Gang' and Mr. Coffin to the fans
from the platform of the train...After the youngsters had been introduced and Mr. Coffin had made a short talk about them, they were urged to take a little exercise on the brickwalk, but the
suggestion didn't meet with the approval of 'Fatty.' 'Naw, I want to eat,' he objected and made his way toward the diner, where he waited to be served."
- On August 16th, the Gang's train passed through Hutchinson, KS. As The Hutchinson News reported the previous day: "What ho! 'Our Gang' is going through
tomorrow...They will be through at 4:30 sharp on the Santa Fe California Limited, headed for Detroit...Surely one of them will condescend to step out on the observation platform and give the
kiddies of Hutchinson a wave. At any rate Roy Coffin, Hal Roach's publicity man, who is accompanying them, will be sure to be there - publicity men always are."
- Also on August 16th, the Gang's train passed through Emporia, KS, at 7:20 p.m. As The Emporia Daily Gazette reported the following day: (The Our Gang kids) "made
a personal appearance Thursday night before a full house at the Santa Fe station, with the rear platform of the California Limited for a stage. Fully half an hour before the train was due, Emporia
movie fans of all ages began to line up under the station pillars, and by the time the huge engine roared by, the crowd had become a swarming mob of 3,000 admirers, anxious to meet informally the
youthful stars...The gang evidently was expecting to meet their Emporia friends for when the train stopped, they were on the observation platform ready to be introduced...As the fans moved to the
platform, the Gang smiled approvingly at the cheers and handclaps they received...The introductions were made by Ray Coffin...who presented each in turn." About Harry, it said: "None
of the Emporia lads accepted the challenge of Harry Spear to fight, for Harry, while small, is so tough that he combs his hair with an egg beater, and eats his mother's clothespins, according to
Mr. Coffin." Apparently, Harry inherited the "egg beater" gag from Jackie Condon.
- Also on August 16th, the Gang's train stopped at the Union Station in Kansas City, MO, at 10:30 p.m. for half an hour. The Kansas City Post of the previous day reported the
following: "I have a wire from their publicity director this morning. 'Will shoot kids immediately on arrival up to lobby of the station and they are yours to do as you will for the
next thirty minutes.' A platform will be standing at the curb of the station plaza. The Gang will hop up there and will be plainly seen by the crowd. The platform will be lighted and the Gang
will do its stuff in the way of meeting their gang of fans in Kansas City. Motion pictures of the crowd and the gang, and photographs of both will be taken. The motion pictures will be shown at
Loew's Midland." On the 16th, the Kansas City Journal had this to say: "Harry Kessel, popular community song leader and representative of the Feist Publishing company, will
be master of ceremonies at the Union station at 10:30 o'clock tonight when Our Gang arrives from Hollywood for a half hour's visit with Kansas City fans. He will lead the crowd in
singing Hail, Hail, Our Gang's All Here and popular songs of the day. He also will introduce each of the Hal Roach gangsters. Dick O'Kane will accompany on the piano, which will be on the
station plaza platform constructed for the gang." The following day, the Kansas City Journal published an article about the visit, which can be accessed by clicking
- On August 17th, the Kansas City Post reported the following: "Chicago, quiet little city on the shores of Lake Michigan, today was all set to quell a riot when a certain Santa
Fe train from Kansas City arrived there at noon. A Chicago newspaper, according to a message received by The Post today, had been 'reliably informed' a mob had attacked the train upon its
arrival here at 10:30 o'clock last night and the Santa Fe officials had found it necessary to call out police reserves to break up the riot. The newspaper was quite serious. Moreover, the
Chicago newspaper informed The Post that in view of last night's 'riot' in Kansas City, the railroad officials were taking no chances and had requested police protection for the train
upon its arrival there today...It was a well ordered reception the little movie stars were accorded here last night by 'their public' - possibly the greatest reception ever given any
movie star here - and the police were there to aid in keeping order and protecting the thousands of small Kansas Cityans who were on hand to greet Our Gang. Exaggerated reports of last
night's enthusiastic reception here probably were forwarded to Chicago by unknowing passengers on the train."
- Also on August 17th, the Gang's train arrived in Chicago, where they would perform for one week at the Chicago Theater starting the next day. On the 18th, the Chicago Daily Tribune
reported the following: "All of 'Our Gang' of the movies, who arrived yesterday on the Santa Fe for an appearance at the Chicago theater, were special guests at a party in the
Hotel Sherman bungalow yesterday...Fatty Cobb and Harry Spear, the 'mean guy' with the freckles and the frown, were interested in the mechanics of the phonograph." On August 19th, this
same paper corrected themselves, stating that the party took place at the Morrison Hotel.
- On August 18th, the Our Gang kids began performing at the Chicago Theater. The Forest Park Review that day explained that the kids "will come down upon the Chicago theater for their
first and only appearance, their manager, Hal Roach, having notified Balaban & Katz, that the proximity of school days in Hollywood would make engagements at the Tivoli and Uptown theaters
- On August 20th, the Chicago Daily Tribune had this say about the Gang's stage show: "This will probably be a record week at the Chicago, what with all the mammas and papas
in town bringing their kids to see the 'Our Gang' kids. And it's no wonder, for Hal Roach's famous youngsters are as funny and lovable in this personal appearance as they have been
on the screen. It's refreshing to learn that working under Kleig lights has not spoiled these children and that the studio atmosphere, instead of taking the bloom off of their childish charm,
has been conducive to preserving it. They are appealingly natural and unself-conscious, which is more than can be said for the infant prodigies of the stage. Here's hoping their tour
across the country will be a merry and successful one."
- On August 24th, The St. Joseph News-Press (IL) reported the following: "By special arrangement with Hal Roach and M. G. M., Publix Theaters Corporation are
presenting the original members of Our Gang comedies. The popular kids...are making personal appearances in the de luxe picture houses of both Publix and Loew key city theaters. Our Gang is now
appearing in Chicago theaters. The attraction has drawn considerable crowds in all the theaters they have played so far."
- On August 25th, the Gang arrived in Detroit in the morning, and did their first performances at the Michigan Theater that day. The Detroit Free Press reported the following:
"When the Our Gang Comedy kids arrive in Detroit this morning for their engagement on the Michigan stage, they will be welcomed by a delegation of freckles the like of which has never been
seen in Detroit before. The recreation department is selecting the most freckled boy from each of their 120 playgrounds, and from them 20 will be chosen as the official welcome committee. Harry
Spear, the famous 'Freckles' of the Our Gang Kids, boasts more freckles per square inch than any boy in America, but he will have to show some freckles to beat Detroit's 20
- On August 26th, The Detroit Free Press reported the following: "The Our Gang Kids have been looking over some of the sketches in the WCX-Our Gang contest, and they were so
pleased with them that they have asked The Free Press to extend the time limit for 12 hours so that the last minute entrants will also have a chance. So the contest will close at 12 o'clock
tomorrow instead of midnight tonight. Your drawing of Pete, the famous dog mascot of the Our Gang Kids must be in the editors hands before noon Monday (the 27th), if it is to be considered
for ticket prizes to see the Our Gang Comedy Kids show at the Michigan this week. The Our Gang Kids will judge the sketches, you know, at the WCX studio Monday afternoon during Skeezix Time
at 5:30 o'clock, and you'll hear them over the air."
- On August 27th, The Detroit Free Press reported the following in an article about the zoo that had just opened in Detroit: "The children comprising the 'Our Gang' troupe
of movie actors are to be special guests of the zoo management today at 10:30. The elephant and the camel will be ready for them to ride and the other animals have been instructed to show their
best behavior for the occasion."
- Also on August 27th, the Our Gang kids put in a personal appearance at the Franklin street settlement in Detroit. This according to The Detroit Free Press of September 2nd.
- Also on August 27th, The Detroit Free Press reported the following: "The Our Gang Comedy Kids and their famous mascot Pete will announce the winners of the WCX-Our Gang
contest over WCX during the Skeezix Hour this evening at 5:30. Tune in! Fatty, Farina, Freckles, Wheezer, Jean Darling, Mary Ann Jackson and Pete - the whole gang - who are
appearing on the Michigan stage this week, will be there. Because an extra show has been added to the theater bill the 'kids' will greet the radio audience first direct from the Michigan
stage, where microphones will be installed to pick up their part of the theater's program. Later, appearing with Chief Neal Tomy in the special radio studio back stage, they will announce the
contest winners." This contest was open to kids 15 and under. Skeezix Time was a local program in Detroit based on the character from the popular comic strip Gasoline Alley. The
following day, The Detroit Free Press reported the following about the contest: "Jean Darling, Mary Ann Jackson, Wheezer, Fatty, Freckles, Farina and 'Pete' himself,
announced the awards over WCX at Skeezix Time last night. They were gathered with 'Chief' Tomy, Dorothy and Loraine in the studio above the stage at the Michigan theater, where they
are appearing before record crowds this week. Skeezix Time was transferred to the theater because Our Gang was scheduled for a stage appearance at 5:30 o'clock. After the opening
songs the stage microphones were turned on and the radio audience heard the members introduced to the visible crowd which packed every nook and corner of the theater. Then the scene was shifted
back to the studio for the birthday party and to await the coming of the gang. It was the kiddies' first appearance before the 'mike' and Fatty was a bit suspicious. It had to be
explained to him before he was willing to say a word. It was a great occasion for the gang as well as for the thousands of their small friends who listened in." The birthday party mentioned in
this article was a regular feature on the radio show.
- Also on August 27th, The Detroit Free Press had this to say about the Gang's stage show: "Our Gang, those inimitable comedy kids who are here in person, are sure to be a
tremendous drawing card, this week. They are the most natural acting and vivacious youngsters imaginable and the fun and play they get out of their appearance on the stage shows how little all
their popularity has spoiled them. 'Fatty' and 'Freckles' and 'Pete' the dog, and all the rest of the gang are even more appealing in real life than on the screen."
- On August 28th, The Detroit Free Press reported the following: "All Saturday and Sunday records of the Michigan theater were shattered last week-end! The Our Gang comedy
kids, in their first stage appearance east of Hollywood, are proving themselves the most sensational theatrical attraction in the last ten years, according to local showmen. The Michigan theater
filled up at noon Saturday (the 25th) and remained filled until close to midnight. Then it repeated that record Sunday. The records established by Mae Murray, Paul Whiteman, Vincent Lopez,
John Philip Sousa, Gertrude Ederle were exceeded so far that it is probable the Our Gangsters will forever be the Michigan's greatest attraction. Extra shows are being planned for around 5 p.m.
each day during the week. In Chicago the children appeared at 35 shows during the week - five each day - and set an almost unbelievable record for attendance."
- On August 29th, The Border Cities Star of Windsor, Ontario, reported on the visit to their city the previous day by Joe Cobb, Mary Ann Jackson and Harry Spear. Harry expressed a wish to
take a souvenir dog-collar back to Pete. They visited the offices of the Star. "The press room held a lure for Mike the Tough, freckle-faced kid whose name is really Harry, for
he enjoyed pressing the control button to start the big metal cylinders humming. Harry, who has been willing to take on any youngster in the audience at the Michigan during the week, isn't
really as hard as he seems, though his chin will project plenty when called on."
- On September 1st, the Gang arrived in Cleveland, and did their first performances at the State Theater that day. The kids also got to view a special screening of the locally made Our Gang film
featuring their Cleveland lookalikes.
- Also on September 1st, radio listings for Detroit's WBMH indicated that they were broadcasting a program called "Our Gang" from 9:00 to 9:30pm and again from 11:15pm to midnight.
The Gang was no longer in Detroit by this evening, so if these programs had anything to do with them, then they must have been pre-recorded.
- On September 2nd, the Cleveland Plain Dealer published an article about Our Gang, which can be accessed by clicking
- Also on September 2nd, the Muskogee Daily Phoenix (OK) reported the following: "'Our Gang' is touring the country and making personal appearances in the large
cities. They travel in a specially equipped Pullman coach with sound-proof walls, unbreakable furniture and all kinds of shock absorbers. This is their first glimpse of the country outside of
- On September 5th, International News Service reported the following out of Cleveland: "'Our Gang,' Hal Roach's well known group of child movie performers, may have
to discontinue their performances in vaudeville here, else the theatre management will be prosecuted for violation of the Ohio child labor laws. Miss Lauretta P. Bean, of the state industrial
commission, has sworn out an affidavit charging George Drummond, theatre manager, with violating the law which prohibits children under 14 years from appearing on the stage, it became known today.
The juvenile troupe arrived here Sunday from Hollywood and had been booked to play the rest of the week." Slight correction: the Gang had arrived on Saturday. The Associated Press
reported Beam as saying that Drummond had "agreed to appear for arraignment before a justice of the peace today."
- On September 7th, the Gang spent their last night in Cleveland. A few days later, on September 11th, the Cleveland Plain Dealer published the following anecdote from Eleanor Clarage:
"And speaking of Maurice Spitalny...the writer and several of her friends had tried all last week to get into the State to see Hal Roach's gang in the flesh, but all to no avail. Lines
stood out almost to 14th Street every time we went near the theater, and at last we gave it up as a bad job. Then, Friday night (the 7th), a few of us wandered into the Statler for dinner
and got a table over in a quiet corner, next to a table evidently decorated for a dinner party, with floral centerpiece, fancy melons ready at each plate and so on. We wondered idly what kind of a
party it was going to be, and before we had the words out of our mouths, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keith were coming into the dining room with 'Our Gang' and their mamas in tow, with a curious
crowd pushing around the doorway stretching their necks to get a better look at them. This, after we had been turned away from the theater all week! Fate is sometimes almost too good to
- On September 8th, the Gang returned to Chicago, this time to perform at the Norshore Theater for six days. The previous day, the Cook County Herald of Arlington Heights, IL, reported the
following: "Hal Roach's comedy rascals, having broken every existing record for attendance at the Chicago theater, have been prevailed upon by Balaban & Katz to return to Chicago
for an engagement at the Norshore theater starting Saturday, Sept. 8. The 'Gang' was scheduled for just one week in each city but by schedules it was found possible to return for six days
between their Cleveland and New York appearances. The demands of North Shore theatergoers who failed to see the child stars during their recent engagement were so insistent that Balaban & Katz
have decided to present them at the Norshore theater, due to its excellent transportation facilities...To accommodate the throngs who failed to see the 'Gang' at the Chicago theater,
Balaban & Katz have announced special matinee performances at the Norshore theater daily during the six day engagement. The program offered by the child-stars will be the same as that
presented downtown."
- On September 14th, the Cleveland Plain Dealer (OH) reported the following: "George Dumond, manager of Loew's State Theater, yesterday was fined $25 and costs in
each for four cases charging him with violation of the child labor laws in connection with the appearance here of Hal Roach's 'Our Gang.' Justice of the Peace Myron J. Penty dropped two
similar additional cases pending against Dumond on his appearance yesterday."
- On September 15th, the Daily News of New York reported the following: "There'll be great commotion at Grand Central terminal today! Won't there, though!
'Our Gang' arrives. Seven members, counting Pete, the dog who has the black ring around his eye. They are traveling in movie splendor, all dressed up in their Saturday and Sunday clothes.
Pete, Fatty Joe Cobb, Freckles Harry Spear, Jean Darling, Mary Ann Jackson, Wheezer and last, but certainly not least Master Alan Hoskins, known throughout the world as Farina. Hal Roach, who
started 'Our Gang' on its road to fame just ten years ago, will be at the station to meet the Twentieth Century. Also, Maj. Edward Bowes, managing director of the Capitol theatre, where the
youngsters will make their first personal appearance this afternoon. The starlets together with their mammas, daddies, or whichever grown up members of their respective families are accompanying
them, will journey from the train straight to the suites at the Park Central hotel and get washed up and ready for their Capitol engagement. Miss Fern Carter, Our Gang's teacher, accompanies
them as well. We're assured that the parent committee will keep their charges away from night clubs and escort them back to the coast at the end of next week all set to resume work on their
next season's output of two-reelers."
- On September 19th, the Standard Union of Brooklyn reported the following about the Gang's appearance at the Capitol: "At least as amusing as 'The Cameraman' for the
brief time they're on stage are Hal Roach's pint-size gangsters...They have a war episode to go through, and they do so with great good will, looking no bigger than grasshoppers. They
are most unaffected kids. Yesterday afternoon down in a locker room under the stage Miss Jennie Madden, the wardrobe mistress, gave them a party. Ice cream and small cakes. They enjoyed it
wholeheartedly...They'll be in Brooklyn next week, incidentally, at Loew's Metropolitan."
- Also on September 19th, The Brooklyn Daily Times published a column by Elsie Jean, which apparently was aimed at kids. She tells her readers that all of the Our Gang kids had joined her
Happy Times Club, which also included many local children among its members. On September 21st, she announced that 50 Happy Timers would be chosen to be guests of the Our Gang kids the following
Tuesday (the 25th) at the Metropolitan Theatre in Brooklyn.
- On September 21st, the Gang visited the New York city hall. As The Washington Herald described it the following day: "Joe Cobb, the fat boy, was dolled up to represent Herbert
Hoover, while Harry Spear impersonated Governor Smith. Jean Darling adopted the role of Texas Guinan, while Marie(sic) Jackson carried padlocks in her role of Mrs. Mabel Willebrandt. The
gang, now playing at local theaters, were received by Mayor Walker, who shook hands all around." Herbert Hoover and Al Smith, incidentally, were the two major party presidential candidates in
the current election, which was ultimately won by Hoover.
- On September 23rd, the Gang talked over the radio from station WEAF, introduced by Maj. Edward Bowes, managing director of the Capitol. This was an NBC musical series called Major Bowes'
Family, which regularly broadcasted from the Capitol Theatre.
- On Septebmer 24th, The Brooklyn Citizen published an article on the Gang's arrival in Brooklyn, which can be accessed by clicking
- Also on September 24th, the Standard Union of Brooklyn reported the following: "The youngsters have finished a busy week, what with being guests of the Mayor at City Hall, and
with doing their turns and sightseeing, but they don't have all the luck some of the youngest fans may imagine, for despite their ability to duck school on the screen, they're taking their
lessons, grand tour or no grand tour...Their term opened Sept. 11, the official beginning of the school year in California."
- Also on September 24th, the Cleveland Plain Dealer (OH) reported the following: "From the Union Trust Teller the following is clipped: 'The Main Street
Meditator of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, after devoting a couple of paragraphs to the youngsters who took Cleveland and the State Theater by storm, concludes with the frantic query: "And
oh, dear, dear - do they have the good sense to put their money in the bank while it's still rolling in?" To a certain extent, we can satisfy her worries along this line by telling
her that during their stay here in Cleveland, 'Our Gang' visited our juniors' department and savings accounts were opened for each one of them..."
- Also on September 24th, The Boston Globe (MA) published an article on the Gang's school lessons while on the movie lot, stating that these lessons were continuing during
their personal appearance tour. It mentions that Harry was just beginning school at this time.
- On September 25th, The Brooklyn Citizen reported the following: "Adult interest in 'Our Gang' is as great as the kids'. This was demonstrated at Loew's
Metropolitan last night when the shouts of their elders drowned those of the youngsters accompanying them. The familiar faces stood in reality stronger than they do in the pictures. There was the
same action seen, but it appeared more realistic as the little fellows hopped about the stage. Joe Carr(sic) was there, fat and saucy. Farina, too, and Mary Ann Jackson, and above all Pete,
the dog. 'Our Gang' gave four performances yesterday to capacity houses, and were tired little rascals when they returned to their quarters in Leverich Towers."
- On September 26th, The Brooklyn Citizen reported that the Gang were guests of honor the previous night at the Hotel Leverich Towers. It also mentions that Harry "dressed in his
costume of torn shirt, patched trousers and a large battered felt hat." The article describes the Gang's act this way: "They presented a war play, in which Heavyweight Joe is the
spy, Farina is the valiant soldier, who fights a terrible sword duel with Joe, the spy; Beautiful Jean is the Red Cross nurse, Mary Ann is another spy, Harry Spear is a soldier, Wheezer is the
general of the army who comes riding in on a hobby horse, which is his prancing white steed and Pete, the dog, is also a soldier."
- Also on September 26th, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported the following: "'Freckles,' the 65-pound sorrel-topped member of the well-known band of
back-alley screen stars dubbed 'Our Gang,' won the titular leadership of the 'gang' in a fistic encounter with 'Tubby,' 115 pounds, atop the Leverich Towers Hotel
yesterday. Eddie Forbes, who refereed the Tunney-Heeney battle, was to referee this bout. With the other members of the gang looking on and movie cameras set to record the latest 'Battle of
the Century' - for inclusion in some future screen comedy - Forbes called the contestants to the center of the improvised ring and gave instructions. At the conclusion of this formality
the referee turned to address some one at the ringside. A sharp 'smack' snapped his attention back to the prospective battlers. Tubby was already stretched flat on the canvas and Freckles
was bowing grandly to the audience. Tubby complained later that he was floored by a foul blow while he wasn't looking. A return bout should be in prospect."
- Also on September 26th, The Brooklyn Daily Times published an article about the Gang, which can be accessed by clicking
- On September 27th, the Standard Union of Brooklyn published an article about the Gang, which can be accessed by clicking
- On September 29th, The St. Louis Star reported on the Gang's upcoming engagement at Loew's State Theater, mentioning that they "shattered every record at the Capitol Theater
in New York."
- On September 30th, the Sunday News of New York reported the following: "Hal Roach's 'Our Gang' kiddies will visit thirty-one Loew theatres tomorrow, Tuesday, and
Wednesday, making ten personal appearances a day." The Kansas City American of October 11th elaborated by saying: "Little time is allotted for their individual house howtow,
just long enough to be whisked in for an introduction from the stage or pit and out." Ultimately, the Gang was scheduled to visit 32 theaters.
- On October 1st, the Gang began three days of whirlwind activity, making personal appearances at 32 different theaters. On this day, they made eleven stops, all in Manhattan and all Loew's
theatres. They were scheduled to be at the Sheridan at 1:00 p.m., the Greeley Square at 1:45 p.m., the Lincoln at 2:30 p.m., the 83rd Street at 3:15 p.m., the 7th Ave. at 4:00
p.m., and the Victoria at 4:30 p.m. After this was a 3-and-a-half hour break for dinner. Then they appeared at the Canal at 8:00 p.m., the Delancey at 8:30 p.m., the Avenue
B at 9:15 p.m., the Commodore also at 9:15 p.m. (these times were approximations), and the American at 10:00 p.m.
- On October 2nd, the United Press reported the following out of Brooklyn: "Ray Coffin, manager of members of the 'Our Gang' comedies, making a personal appearance at a
theatre here, was arrested here because the 'gang' 'worked' Sunday (Sep. 30th). Shortly after they left the stage, after their Sunday performance, Coffin was handed a
summons charging him with violation of a penal law which requires a permit for the appearance of children under 16. When they appeared again at night he was handed another."
- Also on October 2nd, the Gang moved their whirlwind tour to the Loew's theaters of the Bronx, this time making appearances at nine of them. They were scheduled to be at the Victory at
1:00 p.m., the Burland at 1:45 p.m., the Spooner at 2:30 p.m., the Elsmere at 3:15 p.m., and the Burnside at 4:00 p.m. After this, they took a four-hour break for dinner.
Then they moved on to the National at 8:00 p.m., the Boulevard at 8:45 p.m., the Grand at 9:30 p.m., and the Fairmount at 10:00 p.m.
- On October 3rd, the Gang finished off their whirlwind tour of New York City theaters, this time visiting 12 Loew's theaters in Brooklyn and Queens. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle of
October 1st and the Standard Union of October 2nd each filled in the following details. Their schedule initially had them as luncheon guests of Major Benjamin H. Namm, president of the
Namm's department store. This took place in the Mirror Room on the third floor. At noon, they were to make a personal appearance in the toy department of the store. As the Standard Union
reported, "The gang has been touring the theatres throughout the East, but their appearance at Namm's marks their first appearance off the stage." (A perusal of this page, though,
shows that this isn't quite true.) Their tour of theaters was to begin in Brooklyn with the Brevoort at 1:00 p.m., followed by the Bedford at 1:30 p.m., the Kameo at 2:15 p.m.,
the Broadway at 3:00 p.m., the Gates at 3:30 p.m., the Premier at 4:15 p.m., and the Palace at 4:30 p.m. After this, they took a three-and-a-half break for dinner, and
then proceeded to Queens, appearing at the Willard in Woodhaven at 8:00 p.m., the Hillside in Jamaica at 8:45 p.m., the Prospect in Flushing at 9:30 p.m., the Plaza in Corona at
10:00 p.m., and the Woodside in Woodside at 10:30 p.m.
- Also on October 3rd, the Standard Union of Brooklyn published an article on Ray Coffin, who had been arrested for having the kids work on a Sunday. It can be accessed by clicking
- On October 5th, the Standard Union of Brooklyn reported the following: "Hal Roach's 'Our Gang' bade Brooklyn farewell yesterday and departed for St. Louis, where Fat
Joe Cobb, Jean Darling, Mary Ann Jackson, 'Wheezer,' Harry Spear and Farina, will hold for a week before going to Kansas City. They more than enjoyed Brooklyn."
- On October 6th, the Gang began their engagement at Loew's State Theater in St. Louis.
- Also on October 6th, The Afro-American of Baltimore, MD, had this to say about the Gang's act: "Efforts of members of 'Our Gang' to get their speeches across the
footlights effectively, are not so successful, except that of 'Fatty' Cobb. Part of their act consisted of depicting the way they would enact a bit of war drama after the same story had been
thrown upon the screen."
- On October 7th, the St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat reported on a promotion called Candy Week. In connection with this, the Candy Club would be distributing 5000 boxes of candy to the
inhabitants of various children's and old people's homes in St. Louis. Entertainment at several of these parties would be provided by the Our Gang kids.
- On October 8th, the St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat had this to say about the Gang's act at the State: "The children are as delightful off the screen as they are on. One
nice thing about these kiddies, they are all kid. And, wisely, their manager sends them clamoring out on the stage like the bunch of healthy, tumbling youngsters that they are. They aren't made
to struggle with jokes beyond their comprehension nor contort their little bodies in ridiculous dances. They come out one by one and make funny kid bows and enact one of their comedy scenes as they
do on the sets in the Hal Roach studio. Even Pete, the dog, isn't held to any set schedule. He comes out and wuff, wuffs a bit and calls it a day."
- On October 12th, the Gang made a personal appearance in the Junior Section of Boyd's department store in St. Louis at 5 p.m.
- On October 13th, the Gang arrived in Kansas City and began their engagement at Loew's Midland Theater.
- Also on October 13th, the Kansas City Journal-Post published an article about the Gang, which can be accessed by clicking
- On October 18th, the Kansas City Journal-Post reported the following: "The Our Gang comedy kids are for the Charities drive. They visited Mercy hospital yesterday and now
they know why Kansas City has a charities drive. They found Bobbie in a wheel chair and Ralph's little feet all bandaged. So they held out their hands to the big hearted people of Kansas
- Also on October 18th, The Emporia Daily Gazette (KS) reported the following: "The 'Our Gang' comedy cast will pass through Emporia Saturday afternoon (the
20th) on No. 23, westbound California limited. The train will arrive in Emporia at 1:40 o'clock and will remain for five minutes. Many Emporia kids are expected to be at the station
when these youthful movie stars arrive. Emporians gave the 'Our Gang' troupe a great ovation when they passed through two months ago going east."
- On October 21st, the Gang's train made a stop in Albuquerque, NM. According to the Albuquerque Journal of the following day: "'Our Gang' came through Albuquerque
shortly before noon Sunday (the 21st) en route to the west coast after a successful trip in the east, where they made vaudeville appearances in some of the leading theaters...The Gang filed
into the Alvarado coffee shop for their noonday luncheon and were the center of attraction." Elsewhere in the same paper: "The members had previously announced their coming as Monday
(the 22nd) and few persons were on the station platform to give them a greeting. Junior Redd, 206 South Broadway, a former member of the gang, was at the station to renew his
acquaintanceship with the juvenile actors."
- On October 22nd, the Gang's train went through San Bernardino. According to the San Bernardino Daily Sun from the previous day, it was scheduled to stop for 10 minutes at 12:40
in the afternoon. Presumably they made it back home later in the day.
- On November 28th, the United Press reported the following about the recent influenza epidemic: "Four members of 'Our Gang' were recuperating. Harry Spear, the tough boy,
was still a sick youngster. Mary Ann Johnson(sic), the 'coquette,' Bobbie Hutchins, known as 'Wheezer,' and Joe Cobb, the fat boy, also were recovering."
- 65. Playin' Hookey (supporting role)
- Jan. 1, 1928 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-24 - Our Gang series
- Filmed June 27 to 29, and Aug. 1 to 6, 1927. ©Feb. 6, 1928.
- 71. Spook-Spoofing (featured role)
- Jan. 14, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 3 reels - prod. G-5 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Oct. 11 to 27, 1927. ©Jan. 14, 1928.
- Smith's Army Life (small part: Bubbles' boyfriend)
- Feb. 5, 1928 - Sennett/Pathé - 2 reels - The Smith Family series
- Pre-production and shooting lasted from Apr. 4 to May 16, 1927. ©Feb. 7, 1928.
- 72. Rainy Days (supporting role)
- Feb. 11, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-6 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Nov. 4 to Dec. 28, 1927. ©Feb. 11, 1928, and Sep. 4, 1929.
- 66. The Smile Wins (supporting role)
- Feb. 26, 1928 - Roach/Pathé - 2 reels - prod. K-23 - Our Gang series
- Filmed May 24 to June 7, 1927. ©Sep. 2, 1927.
- 73. Edison, Marconi & Co. (supporting role)
- Mar. 10, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-7 - Our Gang series
- Also listed for Mar. 9, 1928. Filmed Dec. 16 to 22, and Dec. 28, 1927. ©Mar. 10, 1928.
- 74. Barnum & Ringling, Inc. (supporting role)
- Apr. 7, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-8 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Dec. 21, 1927, to Jan. 9, 1928. ©Apr. 7, 1928. Released with a synchronized soundtrack.
- 75. Fair And Muddy (supporting role)
- May 5, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-9 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Jan. 16 to Feb. 8, 1928. ©May 5, 1928.
- 76. Crazy House (supporting role)
- June 2, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-10 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Feb. 10 to 24, 1928. ©May 16, 1928.
- MGM News (appearance)
- Aug. 26, 1928 - MGM - 1 reel - newsreel
- This was reviewed the following day, so I'm going with the copyright date that comes closest. Featured is footage of the Our Gang troupe during their cross-country tour.
- That Night (extra)
- Sep. 15, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. S-11 - All Star series with Max Davidson
- Rob Stone's list includes this film twice. As a Davidson film, it's listed as prod. D-11, which was filmed
Feb. 7 to 14, 1928. As part of the All Star series, it's listed as prod. S-11, which was filmed Mar. 12 to 21,
1928. ©Sep. 15, 1928. Includes tinted sequences.
- 77. Growing Pains (supporting role)
- Sep. 22, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-11 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Feb. 27 to Mar. 15, 1928. ©Sep. 22, 1928.
- 78. The Ol' Gray Hoss (supporting role)
- Oct. 20, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-12 - Our Gang series
- Filmed May 7 to 26, 1928, with retakes Aug. 16, 1928. ©Oct. 20, 1928. Released with a synchronized soundtrack.
- 79. School Begins (featured role: Harry)
- Nov. 17, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-13 - Our Gang series
- Premiered Sep. 16, 1928. Filmed June 7 to 28, 1928. ©Nov. 17, 1928. Released with a synchronized soundtrack.
- 80. The Spanking Age (small part)
- Dec. 15, 1928 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-14 - Our Gang series
- Filmed July 2 to 14, 1928. ©Dec. 15, 1928. Released with a synchronized soundtrack.
- On April 6th of this year, the Associated Press reported that Harry was currently in the first grade.
- During this year, Harry and his fellow Gangsters were featured in a picture book called A Story Of Our Gang, written by Eleanor Lewis Packer.
- Harry's final week of work on the Our Gang series was the one ending July 13th. His contract came to an end the week ending July 27th.
- On August 10th, Harry attended a Saturday matinee at the Fox Dome Theater in Los Angeles, which hosted a get-together of the Mickey Mouse Club, which in those days was the name given to the
cartoon character's fan club. As the Venice Evening Vanguard reported two days later, Harry "was called up from the audience and with Junior Handelman, a Bay youngster who has been
appearing in a big Chicago theatre, gave the Mickey Mouse salute and salutation."
- On September 15th, the Scripps-Howard newspaper syndicate published an article on Chubby Chaney, with this to say: "And one of the other kids is tongue-tied so that,
now that the comedies have gone talkie, somebody else has to speak his lines." This is what Chubby told the interviewer. He already had other things to say about Farina and Wheezer, so he
should be talking about Joe or Harry here. My guess is Harry, since you can see him stumbling over his lines in "Boxing Gloves."
- On September 16th, the Venice Evening Vanguard (CA) reported that Harry was among the juvenile stars who had enrolled within the past few days to take dance instruction from Roy
- Hollywood - The Movieland Of The World (appearance)
- c. early 1929 - California Scenics - 2 reels - travelogue film
- Harry and the rest of the Gang are shown posing for photos on the set of "Rainy Days." This footage was shot in Dec. 1927, though other footage in the travelogue was shot as late as
Nov. 1928. Raw footage taken for this film, including being-the-scenes footage of the making of "Rainy Days," can be found on YouTube.
- 81. Election Day (supporting role)
- Jan. 12, 1929 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-15 - Our Gang series
- Filmed July 19 to Aug. 4, 1928, with retakes Aug. 22 to 24, 1928. ©Dec. 10, 1928.
- 82. Noisy Noises (supporting role)
- Feb. 9, 1929 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-16 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Oct. 29 to Nov. 10, 1928. ©Mar. 5, 1929. Released with a synchronized soundtrack.
- 83. The Holy Terror (supporting role)
- Mar. 9, 1929 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-17 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Nov. 19 to 28, 1928. ©July 11, 1929.
- 84. Wiggle Your Ears (featured role: Harry)
- Apr. 6, 1929 - Roach/MGM - 2 reels - prod. G-18 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Dec. 4 to 12, 1928. ©Mar. 5, 1929. Released with a synchronized soundtrack.
- 85. Fast Freight (supporting role)
- May 4, 1929 - Roach/MGM - silent - 2 reels - prod. G-19 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Dec. 10 to 27, and Dec. 29, 1928. ©Apr. 1, 1929.
- 89. Small Talk (supporting role: Harry)
- May 18, 1929 - Roach/MGM - talkie - 3 reels - prod. G-23 - Our Gang series
- Also listed for Apr. 18, 1929. Filmed Mar. 25 to Apr. 6, 1929. ©July 30, 1929.
- 86. Little Mother (small part)
- June 1, 1929 - Roach/MGM - silent - 2 reels - prod. G-20 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Feb. 4 to 13, 1929. ©June 3, 1929.
- 90. Railroadin' (supporting role: Harry)
- June 15, 1929 - Roach/MGM - talkie - 2 reels - prod. G-24 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Apr. 17 to 25, 1929. ©Dec. 9, 1929.
- 92. Lazy Days (small part: Harry)
- Aug. 24, 1929 - Roach/MGM - talkie - 2 reels - prod. G-26 - Our Gang series
- Also listed for Aug. 15, 1929, and Oct. 24, 1929. Filmed June 10 to 20, 1929. ©Aug. 26, 1929.
- 91. Boxing Gloves (supporting role)
- Sep. 9, 1929 - Roach/MGM - talkie - 2 reels - prod. G-25 - Our Gang series
- Filmed May 13 to 25, 1929. ©Sep. 9, 1929.
- 87. Cat, Dog & Co. (supporting role)
- Sep. 14, 1929 - Roach/MGM - silent - 2 reels - prod. G-21 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Feb. 20 to Mar. 2, 1929. ©Sep. 3, 1929. Released with a synchronized soundtrack.
- 93. Bouncing Babies (small part: Harry)
- Oct. 12, 1929 - Roach/MGM - talkie - 2 reels - prod. G-27 - Our Gang series
- Filmed July 5 to 15, 1929. ©Sep. 23, 1929.
- 88. Saturday's Lesson (supporting role)
- Nov. 9, 1929 - Roach/MGM - silent - 2 reels - prod. G-22 - Our Gang series
- Filmed Mar. 5 to 11, 1929. ©Sep. 9, 1929. Released with a synchronized soundtrack.
- On April 20th of this year, Harry appeared at the Uptown Theatre in Racine, WI. The ad in The Racine Journal-News from the previous day states that it's a "one day only"
engagement. It also states that this was his first personal appearance, which makes pretty good sense, since I haven't found any earlier instances of Harry performing on stage without the rest
of the Our Gang kids. The nickname "Freckles" is given larger print than his real name, which was the norm throughout his vaudeville career. His act consisted of singing and dancing, as
well as a monologue in which he talked about his days with Our Gang.
- On May 11th, Harry performed for one day only at the Fargo Theatre in De Kalb, IL.
- On May 18th, Harry performed at the Des Plaines Theatre in Des Plaines, IL.
- On May 26th and 27th, Harry performed at the Apollo Theatre in Belvidere, IL.
- On August 17th, Harry performed at the Portage Theatre in Portage, WI.
- On December 4th and 5th, Harry performed at the Park and Princess Theatre in Urbana, IL.
- On December 16th, The Indianapolis Star (IN) published a photo of Harry with three other boys. The captions reads: "Harry (Freckles) Spear...was a Vincennes
visitor last week. While there he had a taste of boys' life as it is lived there."
- On December 26th and 27th, Harry performed at the Livoli Theatre in South Bend, IN. At 5:10 p.m. on the 27th, he also made an appearance on WSBT, "The South Bend Tribune Station."
He occupied a five-minute timeslot on their schedule.
- On January 3rd of this year, Harry performed for one day only at the Ready Theatre in Niles, MI.
- On January 10th, The News-Palladium of Benton Harbor, MI, published a photo of Harry with the following caption: "'Freckles' was here recently for a theatre appearance
and played a round of golf at the new Hotel Vincent indoor course with 'Denny' Lynch, manager of the course and the pro at the Bridgman golf club."
- On March 7th and 8th, Harry performed at the Riviera Theatre in Rock Island, IL.
- On March 21st and 22nd, Harry performed at the Palace Theatre in Burlington, IL.
- On March 24th, the Midwest Free Press of Muscatine, IA, published an article about Harry, which can be accessed by clicking
- On March 26th, the Midwest Free Press of Muscatine, IA, published an article about Harry, which can be accessed by clicking
- On March 27th, the Midwest Free Press of Muscatine, IA, published an article about Harry, which can be accessed by clicking
- Also on March 27th, the Midwest Free Press of Muscatine, IA, reported the following: "Although Kenneth Church, 10, could not go to see Harry 'Freckles' Spear at the
A-Muse-U theater today, he was not deprived of the pleasure of meeting the young 'Our Gang' actor. Three weeks ago Kenneth was helping a blind man across the street at Sixth street
and Mulberry avenue and suffered a fractured leg when struck by an auto. He wanted to see the young star, so his mother, Mrs. Ray Church, telephoned Ludy Boston, manager of the theater, and he made
arrangements for 'Freckles' to be taken to the Church home, 710 East Eighth street, in a taxi after the show this afternoon."
- On April 22nd, Harry performed for one day only at the Ashland Theater in Kansas City, MO.
- On April 27th and 28th, Harry performed at the Mary Lou Theatre in Marshall, MO.
- From May 5th to 7th, Harry performed at the Grand Theatre in Alton, IL.
- On May 7th, the Alton Evening Telegraph (IL) reported the following: "While Harry 'Freckles' Spear of the Our Gang comedy was visiting in Alton, his dog, Buster,
shown in the movies, became the mother of a litter of four pups at Dr. Wuellner's dog sanitarium. Buster was in a bad way, but Dr. Wuellner saved her life without resorting to a Caesarian section
as he feared he would be obliged to do, and is now the happy mother of four babies. Buster has appeared in the movies with her owner. She is described by Dr. Wuellner as being a nice dog, and an
intelligent dog, but could only be described as a 'long haired little dog,' above the common alley variety, but of no particular pride of ancestry so far as he could discern."
- On May 8th, Harry performed at the Wildey Theatre in Edwardsville, IL. Apparently this was a one-performance engagement, which took place at 9 p.m. Earlier, Harry was scheduled to be in the
lobby when the box office opened.
- On May 9th, Harry performed at the Wood River Theatre in Alton, IL.
- On May 20th and 21st, Harry performed at the Montgomery Theatre in St. Louis, MO.
- On May 25th and 26th, Harry performed at the Strand Theatre in St. Charles, MO.
- On June 3rd and 4th, Harry performed at Turners Theatre in Columbia, IL. He did only one show per day.
- On June 5th, Harry performed at the Barth Theatre in Carbondale, IL.
- On June 6th, Harry performed at the American Theater in Mount Carmel, IL.
- On June 12th and 13th, Harry performed at the Von Ritz Theatre in Mitchell, IN.
- On June 17th and 18th, Harry performed at the Paramount Theatre in Marion, IN.
- On June 19th and 20th, Harry performed at the Tivoli Theatre in Richmond, IN.
- On June 21st and 22nd, Harry performed at the Rivoli Theater in Muncie, IN.
- On June 22nd, Harry appeared at Stillman's department store in Muncie, IN. As the ad says, he "will be in the Boys' Department, second floor, 1 to 1:30, and again at 3 to 4. He
will be glad to see you and talk to you."
- On June 24th and 25th, Harry performed at the Indiana Theatre in Kokomo, IN.
- On June 26th, Harry began a week-long engagement at the Circle Theatre in Indianapolis, IN. As The Indianapolis News of the previous day explained, "Freckles is making a series of
personal appearances in leading theaters during his 'holiday' from pictures this summer. The Indianapolis engagement is one of his last, as he will return to the west coast for further
picture work at an early date, according to his mother. The young star, who has just passed his eighth birthday, will appear four times daily, twice in the afternoons and twice at nights." To be
clear, Harry was actually 9 years old at this time, not 8.
- On July 13th and 14th, Harry performed at the Ritz Theatre in Tipton, IN.
- On July 18th, Harry performed at the Mayflower Theatre in Troy, OH.
- From July 19th to 21st, Harry performed at Warner's Variety Theatre in Cleveland OH. As the July 15th Cleveland Plain Dealer said, Harry "ran away from the studios early this
spring for an adventuring trip in vaudeville. He succeeded so well that he is now a vaudeville star." The article also states that he would be returning to the Roach studio in September. This,
of course, wasn't true. Articles about Harry during this year routinely omit the fact that he was let go from the series. The article continues: "On Sunday afternoon (the 19th),
at the Variety, 'Freckles' is going to select a Cleveland freckled-faced youngster who resembles him the most. His double will not only receive a prize but will also appear on the stage
with the star."
- On July 18th, Harry performed at the Mayflower Theatre in Troy, OH.
- Also on July 18th, the Daily News of Troy, OH, published an article about Harry, which can be accessed by clicking
- On July 20th, Harry appeared in the Toy department on the third floor of the May Company department store in Cleveland, OH. According to the ad, he was there from 1 to 2 p.m. and again from
3:30 to 4:30 to meet his public.
- On July 31st and August 1st, Harry performed at the Southern Theatre in Bucyrus, OH. He appeared twice on the evening of the 31st, and four times on the 1st.
- On August 16th and 17th, Harry performed at the Garden Theatre in Marshall, MI.
- On August 18th and 19th, Harry performed at the Strand Theatre in Angola, IN.
- On August 20th, The Bryan Democrat (OH) reported the following: "Eugenia Elder gave a party Wednesday evening (the 19th) at the Elder cottage at James Lake, in
honor of 'Freckles,' youthful star of Our Gang Comedies. Freckles, Harry Spear, appeared at the Strand theatre in Angola in person on Tuesday and Wednesday, giving a story of his experiences
in movie land. A number of Angola young people were among the guests."
- On October 7th, Harry performed at the Mermac Theatre in West Bend, WI. This included a 4 p.m. matinee which was followed at 5 p.m. by a Freckles Contest, the prize for which would be awarded by
Harry himself.
- On October 8th, Harry performed at the Rivoli Theatre in Two Rivers, WI. As The Reporter and Chronicle of Two Rivers reported on October 6th: "At 4 p.m. Thursday (the 8th)
a special children's matinee will be held at the Rivoli. In addition to Freckles' regular appearance and the showing of the feature film, there will be a freckles contest, staged by Freckles
himself. All children present at the performance are eligible for entry. Freckles will appear at the theatre again in the evening, but there will be no contest at that time."
- From November 5th to 7th, Harry performed at the Capitol Theatre in New Castle, PA.
- On November 6th, the New Castle News (PA) published an article about Harry, which can be accessed by clicking
- On November 7th, the New Castle News (PA) publsihed an article about Harry, which can be accessed by clicking
- From November 18th to 21st, Harry performed at the Liberty Theatre in Midland, OH.
- From November 25th to 27th, Harry performed at the American Theatre in East Liverpool, OH.
- On January 28th of this year, Harry performed at the Lyric Theatre in Lancaster, OH.
- On February 3rd and 4th, Harry performed at the Royal Theatre in Chillicothe, OH. He performed three shows each day with a special matinee for children on the 3rd.
- On February 26th and 27th, Harry performed at the Hollywood Theatre in Maysville, KY. He performed both in the afternoon and evening, with a 10:30 matinee added on the 27th. This
children's matinee was only 10 cents, while the usual price of admission was 25 cents.
- On March 4th and 5th, Harry performed at the Tabb Theatre in Mt. Sterling, KY. On March 1st, the Mt. Sterling Advocate related the following about Harry: "In his opinion,
miniature golf is the best game that has been invented, and after that comes baseball, of which he will tell you about, and then comes miniature trains of the electric type, of which he is
extremely fond."
- On March 16th, Harry performed at the Masonic Theatre in Hinton, WV. This was a one-day-only engagement.
- Also on March 16th, The Hinton Daily News (WV) published an article about Harry, which can be accessed by clicking
- On April 7th, Harry made a special appearance, telling stories to members of the Rotary Club of Waynesboro, VA, at a meeting that took place at the Wayne Inn. He was currently engaged at the
Wayne Theatre in their city.
- On April 13th, Harry performed at the Lafayette Theatre for one day only in Charlottesville, VA.
- On April 20th and 21st, Harry performed at the Capitol Theatre in Chambersburg, PA. On each of the days, he performed one afternoon and two evening shows.
- On April 25th, Harry performed at the Stucky Theatre in Everett, PA, making one appearance in the afternoon and two in the evening. This was a one-day-only engagement. By this time, the
press was saying that Harry had reached the age of 9, but in reality, he was 10 years old.
- On May 19th, Harry performed at the Liberty Theatre in Springfield, OH.
- From June 2nd to 4th, Harry performed three times daily at the Faurot Theatre in Lima, OH. As The Lima News of the 2nd reported: "Because 'Freckles' likes to meet boys and
girls near his own age, special arrangements have been made for him to appear at Crawford's shoe store, No. Main-st., from 9 to 10 a.m. Friday (the 3rd), at which time he will give
free tickets for ice cream to be given away at the special kiddies' show at the Faurot theatre Friday morning at 10:30. 'Freckles' also will appear at the theatre at the special show
and tell the children many of his interesting experiences in Hollywood. The young actor will entertain at the Faurot dancing school at 11:30 Saturday morning." The dancing school was free of
charge and took place on the Faurot stage.
- On June 5th, The Lima News (OH) reported the following: "Harry 'Freckles' Spear, juvenile film star, was a recent guest of Master Junior Stimmel, N. Pine-st.,
young Lima singer and tap dancer."
- On July 9th, Harry performed at the Latonia Theatre in Oil City, PA.
- On November 27th, Harry performed at the Runnemede Theatre in Camden, NJ.
- On January 16th and 17th of this year, Harry performed at the Stanley Theatre in Bridgeton, NJ.
- From February 4th to 7th, Harry performed at the Lord Baltimore Theatre in Baltimore, MD.
- On March 24th and 25th, Harry performed at the Frederick Theatre in Frederick, MD.
- On April 27th, Harry performed at Pitts' Colonial Theatre in Fredericksburg, VA.
- On May 9th, Harry performed for one day only at the Langley Theatre in Newport News, VA.
- On May 10th, Harry performed for one day only at the Lee Theatre in Phoebus, VA.
- From July 10th to August 2nd, Harry studied dancing at Byrum's University of Dance in Greensboro, NC. Byrum arranged a special tap dance for Harry called "Goofus," which was
incorporated into his act.
- On July 11th, the Twin City Sentinel of Winston-Salem, NC, shared the following tidbit: "Harry Spear (Freckles) ten years old, a movie star, of Hollywood, Calif., was
a visitor here Sunday afternoon (the 9th)."
- On July 14th and 15th, Harry performed at the Capitol Theatre in Raleigh, NC. The News and Observer published an article about him on July 9th, which can be accessed by clicking
- On July 27th, Harry performed at the Rockingham Theatre in Reidsville, NC.
- On August 25th and 26th, Harry gave matinee and evening performances at the Moon Theatre in Henderson, NC.
- On August 28th, Harry performed at the Princess Theatre in South Boston, VA. He gave a matinee performance and two more in the evening.
- On December 24th, The Nashville Banner (TN) published a photo of Harry with the following caption: "Following Saturday morning's Foto-Reel prize party at the
Banner office (this would have been on the 23rd), Freckles was 'kidnapped' by the Banner composing room force and brought to the fourth floor to enjoy the huge Christmas
tree set up by George Holloway, composing room superintendent. After autographing his photographs for all present, Freckles was snapped with the tree and the entire 'gang.' Freckles, whose
real name is Harry Spear, star of the well-known 'Our Gang' movie comedies, will spend Christmas in Nashville with his mother and his manager, Jay Howard. He is appearing all this week at
the Princess Theater."
- On December 26th, The Nashville Banner (TN) reported the following: "In addition to many gifts dear to the heart of a boy, Santa Claus brought a real present to the hotel
apartment of Harry Spear...A long distance call Christmas morning from Hollywood to Jay Howard, personal manager for 'Freckles,' offered the little screen bad boy a contract for a new series
of pictures with typical American boy stories. Shooting of the series would begin after the first of April, Mr. Howard said. The type would be similar to the Horatio Alger stories. 'They will not
be kid stories,' Mr. Howard said, 'but will appeal to the grown-ups. They will show the typical boy of today in the various moods of his everyday life, with his playmates, at school, his
ambitions, and his ups and downs.' At the Princess yesterday, 'Freckles' was host to hundreds of boys and girls and many of them found their ways back to the stage door to greet him
personally and shake hands with him to wish him a merry Christmas." By all appearances, the film series never came to fruition.
- On December 31st, the Greensboro Daily News (NC) carried an ad for Byrum's University of Dance, from which the information above for July 10th to August 2nd derives. The ad
also includes a Christmas card from Harry which reads: "Wishing you cheer and happiness at this joyous season and every day of the New Year. 'Goofus' is going over bigger every day
- thanks to you. Am head liner at big Xmas week bill at Princess theater, Nashville, Tenn. And does 'Goofus' make a hit. I say so. Wish you and I could dance together again. Mother and I
say Merry Xmas to you all. Your dancing pal, FRECKLES SPEAR."
- On January 4th of this year, the Capitol Theatre in Bowling Green, KY, featured a program for one day only called Let's Go Hollywood. Harry performed his act as part of this show.
- On January 5th, the Capitol Theatre in Clarksville, TN, featured Let's Go Hollywood, with Harry performing his act. Contestants over the age of 16 impersonated stars of the stage and
screen for the evening performance, while kids under 16 were able to do so for the matinee, only in this instance, the impersonations would be of the Our Gang kids. Harry was scheduled to appear in
the lobby for this matinee and give out autographed photos of himself. As the Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle reported the same day: "The two stars (Harry plus James Hall)
arrived in Clarksville this morning with their complete equipment for a Hollywood Premier idea which will be staged in front of the theatre at 7:30, while they will make their stage appearance at
8:30 o'clock....Franklin street, in front of the Capitol will be a replica of Hollywood Boulevard, when a big picture is giving its premier, as kleig lights will glare forth its beacons while
the 'movie' celebrities arrive at the theatre to participate in the gala event."
- On January 18th, The Commercial Appeal of Memphis, TN, published an article about Harry, which can be accessed by clicking
- On January 19th and 20th, Harry performed at the Strand Theatre in Memphis, TN.
- On January 29th, Harry performed at the Lyric Theatre in Cullman, AL. According to the ad, Harry would present each kid attending a free autographed photo at the first show.
- On January 31st, The Decatur Daily (AL) published an article about Harry, which can be accessed by clicking
- On January 31st and February 1st, Harry performed at the Princess Theatre in Decatur, AL. There was a special school children's matinee both days. Again, Harry gave out free autographed
photos of himself.
- On February 12th and 13th, Harry performed at the Seville Theatre in Owensboro, KY.
- On February 25th, The Nashville Banner (TN) reported on a "pure food show and merchants' and manufacturers' exposition being held in a tent at Haymarket Square."
There were two floor shows scheduled for each evening, at 7:15 and 9:15, with 45 minutes of entertainment being presented. Among the entertainers was Harry Spear.
- On March 23rd, Harry performed at the Margie Grand Theatre in Harlan, KY. This included a gala matinee at 3 p.m. for the schoolkids.
- From April 27th to 30th, Harry performed as part of the Vaudeville Revue at the Lyric Theatre in Indianapolis, IN.
- On April 30th, Walter D. Hickman of The Indianapolis Times had this to say about Harry's act: "Harry Spear, the original 'Freckles' in Our Gang comedies, works
desperately to put over faulty and at times uninteresting material."
- From May 6th to 9th, Harry performed at the New Star Theatre in Muncie, IN.
- On May 16th and 17th, Harry performed at the State Theatre in Noblesville, IN. On the 14th, the Noblesville Daily Ledger published an article about Harry, restating most of what the other
newspapers had been saying about him over the last couple of years. But they do add another item to his list of interests: "Guns have proven fascinating to this youngster, who despite the
fact that he is a real sho' nuf star, is just a plain American boy who likes to do what other boys do and go where they go."
- On May 23rd, The Herald-News of Passaic, NJ, reported on the upcoming Benjamin F. Turner show on June 6th at the Playhouse in Passaic. Included among the celebrities were the Our Gang
Comedy Four, which, if the photos are any indication, included Harry, along with Jean Darling, Mary Ann Jackson and Wheezer Hutchins. There are at least a couple of reasons to doubt their
involvement, though. Not only was Harry nowhere near New Jersey at this time, but Jean in later life insisted that she always did a solo act after leaving the Gang.
- On June 22nd and 23rd, Harry performed at the Civic Theatre in Webb City, MO. Again, Harry presented the kids with free autographed photos.
- On June 27th, the Miami News-Record of Miami, OK, reported the following: "Little Harry (Freckles) Spear of Hollywood, Cal., the bad boy of the famous 'Our
Gang' comedy, will be the guest of honor and the entertainment feature of tomorrow's Chamber of Commerce luncheon. The appearance of the comedian at the luncheon has been arranged by R. A.
Gallman, manager of the Plaza theater, where the vaudeville star is to make a personal appearance Friday night (the 29th)." On June 28th, the same paper reported that Harry
"entertained with a humorous monologue." The Chamber of Commerce luncheon took place in nearby Picher, OK.
- On July 6th and 7th, Harry performed at the Criterion Theatre in Sapulpa, OK.
- On July 13th, The Tulsa Tribune (OK) reported the following: "Harry (Freckles) Spear, 11, 'bad boy' of Our Gang movie comedy fame, entertained at the
Tulsa Children's home today with a repertoire of songs and stories and Saturday (the 14th) will appear at the Junior League convalescent home for Crippled children. He is a guest of Phil
Isley, owner of the Tulsa Southwest Theaters."
- On July 24th and 25th, Harry gave matinee and evening performances at the Iola Theatre in Iola, KS.
- From August 5th to 7th, Harry performed at the Uptown Theatre in Parsons, KS.
- On September 2nd and 3rd, Harry did matinee performances at the Tivoli Theatre in Kansas City, MO, and then did matinee and evening performances at the Colonial Theatre in Kansas City, MO.
- On September 13th, Harry was the featured entertainer at the Walkathon in Fairmount Park in Kansas City, MO.
- On October 21st, Harry performed at the Rialto Theatre in St. Joseph, MO. He did four performances at 2:10, 4:35, 7:00 and 9:25, with the first being a special performance for
- According to Maltin & Bann, Harry's vaudeville act lasted at least until this year. The details given above were all researched at newspapers.com, and are most definitely far from
- In her syndicated Star Dust column of February 18th of this year, Virginia Vale reported that Harry was currently a bank accountant.
- At some point, Harry joined the U.S. Navy and became a Chief Petty Officer. IMDb states that he served in World War II, and both the Korean and Vietnam wars, but his grave marker only mentions
the latter two.
- The Los Angeles Times of June 1st of this year reported the following fishing news: "One of the top catches listed was made by 1st Class
Yeoman Harry Bonner, U.S.N., stationed at Terminal Island, who landed six of the fighters."
- The Los Angeles Times of June 15th reported that "Harry Bonner, yeoman 1st class, U.S.N., won the high-man honors for this
week fishing the Wrigley playgrounds with a take of five sea bass. His top catch weighed in at 25 pounds." Sounds like it might be OUR Harry!
- In the Our Gang reunion featured in the May 14th to 20th issue of TV Guide from this year, former Our Gang teacher Fern Carter stated that the last
she heard from Harry, he had been working at a bank in San Pedro, CA, and that otherwise, he had virtually disappeared. Which means she was unaware that he had
been in the Navy for the last decade.
- In another "Is this OUR Harry?" item, the Los Angeles Evening Citizen News reported that Harry S. Bonner, Chief Yeoman USN, U.S.
Naval Training Center, San Diego, "won firsts in 10 of 70 species competitions to collect the top award. He is a native of Los Angeles and began fishing
as a kid in waters off Long Beach." And what was this top prize? A 1958 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 Fiesta station wagon.
- The Associated Press wired a story on March 9th of this year about the death of somebody named John F. Bothwell, who claimed to be "Freckles"
of Our Gang. The accompanying photo was one of Harry Spear. Bothwell died in Long Branch, NJ, at the age of 46.
- Our Gang: Inside The Clubhouse (still photo)
- May 8, 1984 - Lang/Camellia City Telecasters - 93 mins. - TV documentary
- Harry doesn't appear in any of the film clips, but he does turn up in at least one still photo.
- The Our Gang Story (use of photos)
- 1994 - Film Shows/GoodTimes - 120 min. - video documentary
- On June 28th of this year, Bob Satterfield, Brad Farrell and Steve Cox, all Sons of the Desert members, decided to pay Harry S. Bonner a visit at his home.
By this time, the evidence they had gathered supporting his identity as the former Our Gang kid was, shall we say, beyond a reasonable doubt. They were only able
to speak with Harry briefly, and since he was behind a screen door, could only see his silhouette. He claimed on that day that his grandmother had taken in a
kid off the streets, and that this was the kid known as Harry Spear, and that he lost touch with him many years earlier.
- Hal Roach: The Lot Of Fun (archival)
- June 27, 1998 - Film Preservation Associates/Kino Lorber - 133 min. - video documentary
- Released on "Slapstick Encyclopedia Vol. 6."
- Hollywoods Spaßfabrik - Als die Bilder Lachen lernten (archival)
- May 29, 2014 - Exit Film-und Fernsehproduktion-ZDF/ARTE - 90 min. - TV documentary
- Also released in English as Hal Roach - The Lot Of Fun: Where The Movies Learned To Laugh. Includes footage from "Barnum & Ringling,
Inc.," "Fast Freight," "Cat, Dog & Co." and "Saturday's Lesson."
- On August 2nd of this year, Gael Filgate wrote the following: "Harry (Spears) Bonner was my father in law.. he was a very private man but I knew him only to be a loving
grandfather to my 2 children and a happy males Ving husband and son and quite the jokester.. he had an infectious laugh that always made me laugh... he loved fishing and was well known in San Diego
and all over for his fishing skills never having to pay to fish he was always an honored guest... he wrote many a "fish story" for many a magazine... and he could tell a fish story with
comical infectious zealous... I loved Harry ...He Retired as a Navy Chief and was awarded many many honors throughout his career. We have albums upon albums of his life as a child actor in Our Gang
and throughout his life.... he was a recluse to those he didn't know... but a generous and loving man to those of us who knew and loved him RIP HARRY" Sidenote: The "males
Ving" part of this is shown this way in the source material. It's obviously a typo, perhaps replacing a second occurrence of the word "loving."
Harry Spear's payroll history
The following is a list of most of Harry's history at the Roach studio, with the amounts he was making from week to week. The dates given are
Saturdays, the last day of each week at the studio. The only exceptions would be Saturdays that were also holidays, in which case the Friday date is used
for those weeks.
The payroll ledger for 1927 has gone missing, which makes some of the details for these dates unavailable. There are, however, datebooks and payroll
summaries that have survived, and these verify most of the information about Harry's salary that would be found in the ledger. The main exception is
that, during the interim between films, it isn't clear which production the player's salary is being charged to. A bigger problem, though, is that
neither the datebook nor summaries contain information about day workers, which means that we don't encounter Harry until after he's signed to a
long-term contract. Nevertheless, it is known that he worked in Chicken Feed, which was shot from late March to the middle of April.
- Apr. 23, 1927 - 35.00 charged to prod. K21 (Olympic Games)
- Apr. 30, 1927 - 35.00 charged to prod. K21
- May 7, 1927 - 35.00 charged to prod. K21
- May 14, 1927 - 35.00 charged to prod. K22 (The Glorious Fourth)
- May 21, 1927 - 35.00 charged to prod. K22
- May 28, 1927 - 35.00 charged to prod. K23 (Playin' Hookey)
- June 4, 1927 - 35.00 charged to prod. K23
- June 11, 1927 - 35.00 charged to prod. K23
- June 18, 1927 - 35.00 charged to prod. G1 (Yale Vs. Harvard)
- June 25, 1927 - 50.00 charged to prod. G1
- July 2, 1927 - 50.00 charged to prod. K24 (The Smile Wins)
As distribution was shifting from Pathé to MGM, the Kid Co. transitioned into the Gang Co. During the weeks ending July 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th,
the studio was closed. The datebooks indicate that Harry wasn't paid during this stretch, but the payroll summaries indicate that he was.
- Aug. 6, 1927 - 50.00 charged to prod. K24
- Aug. 13, 1927 - 50.00 charged to prod. G2 (The Old Wallop)
- Aug. 20, 1927 - 50.00 charged to prod. G2
- Aug. 27, 1927 - 50.00
- Sep. 3, 1927 - 50.00 charged to prod. G3 (Heebee Jeebees)
- Sep. 10, 1927 - 50.00 charged to prod. G3
- Sep. 17, 1927 - 50.00 charged to prod. G3 and G4 (Dog Heaven)
It isn't clear whether Harry's salary was split in half between the two productions, or perhaps 1/3 for G3 and 2/3 for G4.
- Sep. 24, 1927 - 58.33 charged to prod. G4
Judging by the amount, it appears that Harry's salary increase took place on September 20th.
- Oct. 1, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G3 and G4
It isn't clear whether Harry's salary was split 5/6 for G4 and 1/6 for G3, or 11/12 for G4 and 1/12 for G3.
- Oct. 8, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G4
- Oct. 15, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G4 and G5 (Spook-Spoofing)
It appears that Harry's salary was probably split 5/12 for G4 and 7/12 for G5.
- Oct. 22, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G5
- Oct. 29, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G5
- Nov. 5, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G4 and G6 (Rainy Days)
It appears that Harry's salary was probably split 1/3 for G4 and 2/3 for G6.
- Nov. 12, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G6
- Nov. 19, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G6
- Nov. 26, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G6
- Dec. 3, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G6
- Dec. 10, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G6
- Dec. 17, 1927 - 60.00 charged to prod. G6 and G7 (Edison, Marconi & Co.)
It appears that Harry's salary was probably split 5/6 for G6 and 1/6 for G7.
- Dec. 24, 1927 - 72.50 charged to prod. G6, G7 and G8 Barnum & Ringling, Inc.)
Juding by the amount, it appears that Harry's salary was increased on December 20th, It also appears that Harry's salary was probably split
14/36 for G6, 11/36 for G7 and 11/36 for G8.
- Dec. 31, 1927 - 75.00 charged to prod. G6, G7 and G8
It appears that Harry's salary was probably split 1/6 for G6, 1/6 for G7 and 4/6 for G8.
With the start of 1928, we can return to the payroll ledgers for a more accurate picture of Harry's history.
- Jan. 7, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G8
- Jan. 14, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G8
- Jan. 21, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G9 (Fair And Muddy)
- Jan. 28, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G9
- Feb. 4, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G9
- Feb. 11, 1928 - 75.00 - 50.00 charged to prod. G9, 25.00 charged to prod. G10 (Crazy House)
- Feb. 18, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G10
- Feb. 25, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G10
- Mar. 3, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G11 (Growing Pains)
- Mar. 10, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G11
- Mar. 17, 1928 - 80.00 charged to prod. G11 - 75.00 charged to prod. G11, 5.00 charged to prod. S11 (That Night)
In addition to his weekly salary, Harry earned $5 on March 15th as an extra in production S11. There was, however, somebody at the studio named
H. Spear, who worked as an "extra driver" a few months after this, and could be the Harry Spear in S11.
- Mar. 24, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G11
The studio datebook indicates that Harry's paycheck came to $150 this week.
The studio was closed during the spring, resulting in Harry not being paid for the week ending Mar. 31st, and then receiving a lower salary for the
rest of the break.
- Apr. 7, 1928 - 15.00 charged to studio overhead
- Apr. 14, 1928 - 15.00 charged to studio overhead
- Apr. 21, 1928 - 15.00 charged to studio overhead
- Apr. 28, 1928 - 15.00 charged to studio overhead
- May 5, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G12 (The Ol' Gray Hoss)
- May 12, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G12
- May 19, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G12
- May 26, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G12
- June 2, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G12
- June 9, 1928 - 75.00 - 37.50 charged to prod. G12, 37.50 charged to prod. G13 (School Begins)
- June 16, 1928 - 75.00 charged to prod. G13
- June 23, 1928 - 91.67 charged to prod. G13
Judging by the amount, Harry's salary increase probably took place on June 20th.
- June 30, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G13
- July 7, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G14 (The Spanking Age)
- July 14, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G14
- July 21, 1928 - 100.00 - 50.00 charged to prod. G14, 50.00 charged to prod. G15 (Election Day)
- July 28, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G15
- Aug. 4, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G15
- Aug. 11, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G15
- Aug. 18, 1928 - 100.00 charged to Gang Tour
Harry and his fellow Gangsters spent a couple of months on a personal appearance tour.
- Aug. 25, 1928 - 100.00 charged to Gang Tour
An unusual situation, since this was the only week in which Jackie Condon and Jay R. Smith worked in "Election Day," and yet the
regular members of the troupe were still apparently on tour.
- Sep. 1, 1928 - 100.00 charged to Gang Tour
- Sep. 8, 1928 - 100.00 charged to Gang Tour
- Sep. 15, 1928 - 100.00 charged to Gang Tour
- Sep. 22, 1928 - 100.00 charged to Gang Tour
- Sep. 29, 1928 - 100.00 charged to Gang Tour
- Oct. 6, 1928 - 100.00 charged to Gang Tour
- Oct. 13, 1928 - 100.00 charged to Gang Tour
- Oct. 20, 1928 - 100.00 charged to Gang Tour
- Oct. 27, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G16 (Noisy Noises)
- Nov. 3, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G16
- Nov. 10, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G16
- Nov. 17, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G16
- Nov. 24, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G17 (The Holy Terror)
- Dec. 1, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G17
- Dec. 8, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G18 (Wiggle Your Ears)
- Dec. 15, 1928 - 100.00 - 25.00 charged to prod. G18, 75.00 charged to prod. G19 (Fast Freight)
- Dec. 22, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G19
- Dec. 29, 1928 - 100.00 charged to prod. G19
- Jan. 5, 1929 - 25.00 charged to studio overhead
The studio was closed during January, resulting in a lower rate for Harry.
- Jan. 12, 1929 - 25.00 charged to studio overhead
- Jan. 19, 1929 - 25.00 charged to studio overhead
- Jan. 26, 1929 - 25.00 charged to studio overhead
- Feb. 2, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G20 (Little Mother)
- Feb. 9, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G20
- Feb. 16, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G20
- Feb. 23, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G21 (Cat, Dog & Co.)
- Mar. 2, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G21
- Mar. 9, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G22 (Saturday's Lesson)
- Mar. 16, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G22
- Mar. 23, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G22
- Mar. 30, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G23 (Small Talk)
- Apr. 6, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G23
- Apr. 13, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G23
- Apr. 20, 1929 - 100.00 - 33.33 charged to prod. G23, 66.67 charged to prod. G24 (Railroadin')
- Apr. 27, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G24
- May 4, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G24
- May 11, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G24
- May 18, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G25 (Boxing Gloves)
- May 25, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G25
- June 1, 1929 - 25.00 charged to prod. G25
At this time, the studio started to implement interim pay, which resulted in a lower rate for Harry when the series was between films.
- June 8, 1929 - 25.00 charged to prod. G25
- June 15, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G26 (Lazy Days)
- June 22, 1929 - 125.00 charged to prod. G26
An odd amount, suggesting that Harry was given an increase in salary, but it was back down to the previous amount the following week.
- June 29, 1929 - 100.00 charged to prod. G26
The studio datebook indicates that Harry's paycheck came to $125 this week.
Harry didn't receive a check for the week ending July 6th, perhaps because he was used so sparingly in production G27.
- July 13, 1929 - 150.00 charged to prod. G27 (Bouncing Babies)
Harry went without a paycheck again for the week ending July 20th.
- July 27, 1929 - 25.00 charged to prod. G27
The lower rate probably means that Harry didn't work in production G27 during this week. This was his final paycheck from Hal Roach Studios. Oddly,
the studio datebook doesn't list Harry during this week.
See anything that needs changing? Contact me at BtheW@aol.com.