Barnum & Ringling, Inc.

film no. 74

technical details:

Production G-8.

Filmed December 21, 1927, to January 9, 1928. See the 'miscellaneous' section below for details.

Title sheet prepared by H. M. Walker on January 27, 1928.

Cutting continuity submitted January 30, 1928.

Copyrighted April 7, 1928, by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Corporation. Registration no. LP25278. Renewed August 11, 1955, with registration no. R154164. This copyright expired at the end of 2023, and the film is now in the public domain.

Released April 7, 1928. It was the 74th film in the series to be released.

Silent two-reeler with synchronized music track and sound effects on disc only.

Probable opening title: '"Our Gang" Comedies - Hal Roach presents Hal Roach in "Barnum & Ringling, Inc."'

the crew:

Produced by Robert F. McGowan for Hal Roach
This is how Maltin & Bann put it. The film probably credits Roach as the presenter, with a credit added reading "A Robert McGowan Production."
Directed by Robert F. McGowan
This credit probably appears in the film, but without his middle initial.
Photographed by Art Lloyd, Floyd Jackman and E. V. White
Lloyd probably receives the credit in the film. Jackman was the photographer on Jan. 3rd and 4th, with assistance from White.
Assistant Cameramen: Clair Boshard and F. E. Hershey
Boshard is referenced in Simon Louvish's Stan And Ollie as working on this film on Jan. 3rd and 4th. Hershey is mentioned in Thomas Benton Roberts' Roll 'Em as working on the animal sequence.
Edited by Richard Currier
This credit probably appears in the film.
Titles by H. M. Walker
This credit probably appears in the film.
Props by Thomas Benton Roberts
This credit is based on Roberts' book Roll 'Em, in which he describes his involvement in this film. Specifically, he recalled making a pair of skates for the drunken ostrich.
Animation by Roy Seawright
This credit derives from Seawright's payroll status as the studio animator during this period. This film features animated sound effects.
Animal Trainer: Harry Lucenay
He was Pete's owner and trainer.
Teacher: Fern Carter
Released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Probably indicated in the opening title.
Passed by the National Board of Review
Probably indicated in the film.
studio personnel
director-general - Leo McCarey
general manager - Warren Doane
assistant general manager - L. A. French
secretary-treasurer - C. H. Roach
construction supervisor - C. E. Christensen
laboratory superintendent - Charles Levin
optical effects supervisor - Roy Seawright
still photographer - Clarence "Stax" Graves
transportation director - Bob Davis
possible uncredited involvement
assistant direction - Probably Charles Oelze. On Jan. 3rd and 4th, Don Sandstrom was involved, possibly as an assistant director.
cutting - Probably Lloyd Campbell.
writing - Robert F. McGowan probably headed the story development. Robert A. McGowan, Jean Yarbrough, Charlie Hall and Hal Yates may have been among the gag writers.
property department - Charles Oelze and Don Sandstrom were probably involved in this capacity.
animal training - On January 3rd and 4th, Bob Sanders of the Sanders Police Dog Academy provided a dog, while somebody named Tony provided "Duke" and "Jiggs." Two people whose last names were Moore and Blount provided a mule on the 3rd and a horse on the 4th. Fat Jones provided a mule, and the L.A.O. Farm provided an ostrich, on the 4th. Tony Campanaro returned from a 10-month visit to Europe around this time.

the kids:

Jean Darling as "Jean"
Featured role. She's a rich girl who likes to poke pins into people. During the circus sequence, she's "Madamozelle Rhubarba." Her hair was restyled with curlers for this short, and this became her look in most of her remaining Our Gang films.
Allen "Farina" Hoskins
Featured role. The nickname isn't used in this film. He's a bellboy at the hotel, and has to keep Jean company. He isn't given too much of anything specific to do during the circus sequence, and is dressed as though he was the Pin-headed Wild Man, rather than the other black kid mentioned below.
Joe Cobb
Featured role. He's the master of ceremonies at the circus, and is given more to do than most of the other kids.
Jay R. Smith
Supporting role. He does mostly ensemble acting in this short, but does have a few lines of dialogue.
Jackie Condon
Supporting role. He does mostly ensemble acting in this short.
Harry Spear
Supporting role. He does mostly ensemble acting in this short.
Bobby "Wheezer" Hutchins
Small part. The nickname isn't used in this short. He appears sporadically, most notably during the clown sequence.
Paul Toien
Small part. He's seen helping Little Casino backstage and taking part in the circus as an acrobat. Previously seen in "Olympic Games" (no. 63) and "Yale Vs. Harvard" (no. 67).
Bobby Dean as "Little Egypt"
Small part. He's part of the sideshow. His real name was Bobby Dean Morton.
David Campbell
Bit part. He's seen laughing at the "snapping turtle"
boy 071
Extra. He's the first kid to walk in as Farina is ushering everybody in.
Andy Shuford
Bit part. He's seen laughing at the "pelikan," and is also sitting front row center in the audience.
other kids
Bit parts and extras.
(1.) The boy introducing the sideshows.
(2.) The black boy playing "Little Casino," the Pin-headed Wild Man.
(3.) The boy handling the "rat-rattlesnake."
(4.) The boy showing the "Arizona beaver."
(5.) The kids in the band, numbering at least three.
(6.) The girl grooming Little Egypt.
(7.) The kid selling lemonade and the girl in the background of this scene.
(8.) Perhaps another twenty kids serving as the spectators at the circus.
questionable listings
Maltin & Bann list Mildred Kornman and Johnny Aber, but I haven't spotted either of them in the film.

the animals:

Supporting role. He's the ostrich passed off as a "giraff." His name derives from the recollections of prop man Thomas Benton Roberts, who mentioned that the ostrich drank barley from the basin, and not anything alcoholic.
Pete (no. 1)
Small part. He appears sporadically and is part of the gang's clown act.
dog 034
Bit part. He's seen off and on during the hotel room scenes, and appears to be passed off as the "wild cow from Barneo," but another dog is used for this during the sideshow portion.
parrot 008
Bit part. He's passed off as the "snapping turtle." Presumably the same parrot seen previously.
cat 060
Bit part. She's passed off as the "Arizona beaver."
dog 074
Bit part. This is the German shepherd seen with dog 034 in the hotel room sequence. This dog came from the Sanders Police Dog Academy, and might have been their star dog, "Homo."
Bit part. Presumably the goat with big horns. Thomas Benton Roberts mentioned a goat named "Billy" in his book, and states that it was being passed off as a reindeer. However, the "raindeer" was actually a large dog in this film.
Bit part. The MGM lion appears at the opening of the film.
other animals
Small parts, bit parts and extras.
(1.) The mule passed off as a "moose." I don't think this is Dinah, but possibly the mule from "Uncle Tom's Uncle" (no. 50).
(2.) A brown horse that's passed off as an elephant.
(3.) The white donkey ridden by Jean.
(4.) A brown hog, possibly seen previously, as the "rinorsoris," and two piglets as her "young."
(5.) A rabbit that's passed off as a "kangaroo" with a baby rabbit in her "pouch."
(6.) A rat that's passed off as a "rat-rattlesnake."
(7.) A bird, possibly a chicken, that's passed off as a "stork."
(8.) A goose that's passed off as a "pelikan."
(9.) A goose that's passed off as a "peacock."
(10.) A St. Bernard that's passed off as an "African Lion."
(11.) A large dog that's passed off as a "raindeer."
(12.) A dachshund that's passed off as an "alleygater."
(13.) A dachshund that's passed off as an "artick seal."
(14.) A goat that's passed off as a "single humped camel."
(15.) A goat that's passed off as a "double humped camel."
(16.) A big brown dog that's passed off as a "wild cow from Barneo."
(17.) At least two white chickens seen during the hotel room and lobby sequences, and perhaps additional geese.
(18.) Simon Louvish's book Stan And Ollie details an animal named Duke used for this film, which could possibly be the white horse later seen in "The Ol' Gray Hoss" (no. 78). Another animal used was Jiggs, which is the name of the chimpanzee seen during the talkie era, as well as a dog from the late silent era. None of these animals are seen in the finished film.
(19.) Thomas Benton Roberts recalled a dog passed off as a tiger, which doesn't seem to have ended up in the finished film. The stripes were made of chocolate and the dog kept licking them off (which may explain his absence).

the adults:

Dorothea Wolbert as the lady doing house cleaning
Small part. She's stuck with a pin by Jean, and later has several encounters with the animals.
Charles King as the newlywed groom
Small part. He and his bride are repeatedly interrupted by animals entering their room.
William Gillespie as the hotel manager
Small part. He's seen briefly at the beginning and again at the end of the film.
Oliver Hardy as the drunk
Small part. He faints when he sees the ostrich. Publicity stills reveal that he had a second role as a hotel detective, which was cut from the film.
Dorothy Coburn as a hotel guest
Small part. She's the guest who sits on the egg.
George B. French as the desk clerk
Bit part. He orders Farina to keep Jean company.
Curtis "Snowball" McHenry as the elevator operator
Bit part. He unwittingly lets a menagerie of animals onto the elevator.
Martin Turner as a bellboy
Bit part. He's initially seen having a laugh with Hayes Robertson, and later getting pecked by the ostrich.
May Wallace as the dowager
Bit part. She's the woman whose hand is pecked by the ostrich.
Ham Kinsey as a bellboy
Bit part. He's the bellboy that laughs at Wolbert when she gets stuck with a pin.
Charles A. Millsfield as the toothless Frenchman
Bit part. He hugs another Frenchman near the beginning of the film, and later has his beard pecked by a goose.
Albert Petit as the other Frenchman
Bit part. He hugs Millsfield.
Clara Guiol as a hotel guest
Bit part. She runs into Eric Mayne's room while he's in bed and screams.
Eric Mayne as the bearded man in bed
Bit part. He's in bed when Guiol runs in followed by some of the animals.
Evelyn Burns
Bit part. She's the woman with the goose coming out of her dress.
Eugene Pallette as the other hotel detective
Bit part. He seems to be present only at the end of the film when everybody laughs at the ostrich.
Symona Boniface
Bit part. She's to the left of the screen as she and a friend wait at the elevator, only to be surprised by the menagerie that emerges from it.
Hayes Robertson
Bit part. He's the black man on the left having a laugh with Martin Turner.
Edna Marian as the maid
Bit part. She's appears very briefly, getting spooked by the mule.
other adults
Small parts, bit parts and extras.
(1.) The hotel detective, who's seen sporadically chasing the kids and animals.
(2.) The newlywed bride.
(3.) Jean's governess.
(4.) The woman sleeping next to the hog.
(5.) The two women at the elevator.
(6.) Wallace's friend.
(7.) The old man in the room where Guiol runs in.
(8.) The woman in the shower where Farina runs in.
(9.) The telephone operator at the reception desk.
(10.) A white man in blackface doubling for the black man on the horse.
(11.) Several other adults basically serving as extras. Maltin & Bann list Retta Palmer, with whom I'm unfamiliar.

the music:

This film was released with music on an accompanying disc. Several pieces of music appear in the soundtrack, along with prominent sound effects. So far, I'm able to identify only two of these tunes, but I've otherwise indicated the points at which each piece begins.

piece 074a
This begins during the opening credits and continues into the initial lobby scene.
piece 074b
This tune begins as Gillespie tells the detective to keep an eye on the kids. It continues well into the scene in Jean's hotel room.
piece 074c
This tune begins as Jean notices the pin on the floor and continues into the sideshow sequence. It returns as we're introduced to the 'raindeer,' and continues through the entire circus performance.
"Can-Can" by Jacques Offenbach
Officially titled "Infernal Galop," this was part of the operetta "Orpheus In The Underworld," which premiered in 1858. It's briefly played on this soundtrack as we're introduced to Little Egypt and Little Casino.
piece 074d
This piece begins as we're introduced to the kangaroo, and continues through many of the other sideshow attractions.
piece 074e
This piece is played briefly as we're introduced to the Arizona beaver. A complete version is played as the poultry enters the elevator past the sleeping attendant and continues through the remainder of the animal chaos, ending with the hiccuping ostrich.
piece 074f
This piece begins as the boys are in the hallway while the detective is left behind with Jean still hanging from the fan. It continues through much of the footage in which the animals are running loose through the hotel.
"Little Brown Jug"
Attributed to Septimus Winner in 1869. Steve Porter had a number three hit with this song in 1900. This tune is played twice in a row on the soundtrack. The first instance begins when the ostrich walks in on the amorous young couple. It begins again as the elephants walks in on the same couple.
piece 074g
This piece is played as the kids and the adults laugh at the ostrich. It's cut very short in the surviving print, the result of a remade end title. Presumably, the original print played this tune through the end title.

the locations:

Hal Roach Studios
The standing hotel set at the studio was used. Simon Louvish's book indicates that a stage at the studio was used on both the 3rd and the 4th.
Harold Lloyd Co.
Simon Louvish's book indicates that the treadmill at this studio was used on Jan. 3rd.


14 shooting dates went into the making of this film. Filming was still ongoing for "Rainy Days" (no. 72) and "Edison, Marconi & Co." (no. 73) when the 'start' date for "Barnum & Ringling, Inc." arrived on Dec. 21st. On that date, activity was divided between "Edison, Marconi & Co." and "Barnum & Ringling, Inc.," while on Dec. 22nd, it was divided between all three films. It should be noted, however, that shooting for "Rainy Days" probably involved only the animated elements of that film. Up to this point, Robert F. McGowan was directing all three films. However, on Dec. 23rd, Anthony Mack (listed as McGowan Jr.) took over direction for "Rainy Days" while McGowan (listed as McGowan, Sr.) continued with "Barnum & Ringling, Inc." This continued through the 24th, but activity was suspended on Dec. 25th, which was both Christmas as well as a Sunday, and on Dec. 26th and 27th. On Dec. 28th, all three films were again in production, though it isn't clear which of the two directors worked on "Edison, Marconi & Co." that day. Work then continued unhindered on "Barnum & Ringling, Inc." (with McGowan still directing) until the 'finish' date of Jan. 9th. No shooting took place on Jan. 1st or 8th, which were both Sundays, and since the 1st was also New Year's Day, no work took place on Jan. 2nd. After this, one week passed before the Our Gang unit began shooting "Fair And Muddy" (no. 75).

The hotel in this film is called the Ritz-Biltmore Hotel.

The script submitted to MGM was given the catalog number B332.

See anything that needs changing? Contact me at

© Robert Demoss.

My thanks to the following people for assisting with this page:
Rob Stone (for providing the production number and shooting dates)
Paul Mular (for providing me with the original soundtrack)
Joe Moore (for providing the copyright information)
Bryan Bishop & Piet Schreuders (for simultaneously identifying "Can-Can")
Diane Winters (for identifying her brother, Paul Toien)
Matthew Lydick (for helping out with David Campbell and for pointing out the stunt double in blackface)
Drina Mohacsi (for helping out with David Campbell)
Jesse Brisson (for helping out with Albert Petit)
Randy Skretvedt (for clearing up the confusion involving Bud and Stax Graves)

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